Abstract:The capillary based pulsed plasma thruster is an advanced electric propulsion system. The material of the inner cavity is ablated by the arc, and the plasma generated by the ablation accelerates the injection to generate thrust under pressure gradient. The capillary based pulsed plasma thruster has the characteristics of simple structure, high reliability and wide range of adjustable output parameters. Compared with the traditional pulsed plasma thruster, the thrust ratio and overall efficiency are greatly improved under the low-level circumstance. As a result, it has great prospect in the micro satellites application. The research on capillary-based thrusters includes the design of thrusters, the development of key components and power supply, working mechanism, the diagnosis of working characteristics, and the optimization of performance parameters. This paper reviews the results of research institutions in Japan, the USA, Germany, etc., and also concludes the research status of plasma thruster.
王亚楠, 丁卫东, 程乐, 李悦, 孙安邦. 毛细管型脉冲等离子体推力器研究现状综述[J]. 电工技术学报, 2018, 33(22): 5358-5370.
Wang Yanan, Ding Weidong, Cheng Le, Li Yue, Sun Anbang. A Review of the Current Research Situation on Capillary Based Pulsed Plasma Thruster. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2018, 33(22): 5358-5370.
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