Research on Power Decoupling Control Method Rotary Power Flow Controller Based on Cosine Law
Jia Jiaoxin1, Peng Weifeng1, Yan Xiangwu1, Shao Chen1, Li Tiecheng2
1. Hebei Provincial Key Laboratory of Distributed Energy Storage and Microgrid North ChinaElectric Power University Baoding 071003 China;
2. State Grid Hebei Electric Power Research Institute Shijiazhuang 050021 China
With the fluctuation and randomness of high proportional distributed power sources changing the original grid structure of the distribution network, improving the controllability and stability of the power flow will become the focus of the distribution network, and the development of rotary power flow controller (RPFC) with line power decoupling control function gradually becomes the key to solve the problems. The RPFC consists of two rotary phase shift transformers with their rotor windings connected in parallel and stator windings in series. The RPFC can be equated to a variable output voltage source in series with the internal impedance. The output voltage amplitude and phase are continuously adjustable, and the adjustment is related to the rotation angle α1 and α2. Since the change of RPFC output voltage amplitude ΔU and phaseΠ will affect both active and reactive line power, it's necessary to analyze its control strategy to realize the decoupling control of RPFC on active and reactive line power.
An RPFC power decoupling control method based on the cosine theorem is shown in Fig.1. Firstly, the amplitude and phase of each phasor are calculated based on the cosine theorem and virtual power, and the dq-axis components of each voltage phasors are obtained. Secondly, the line power Pk and Qk at both ends of the RPFC are measured, and the Pk* and Qk * are obtained after PI closed-loop control. Furthermore, the f(Uk) and g(Uk) are obtained from the Uk, Ukd and Ukq, respectively, and the dq-axis component settings of the RPFC output voltage ΔUd_set and ΔUq_set are calculated. The ΔUd and ΔUq are adjusted respectively according to the deviation of the RPFC output voltage and the actual value of the dq-axis components, and they are synthesized to obtain the output voltage amplitude and phase settings ΔUset and Π set. Finally, the rotation angle setting valuesα1_set andα2_set are calculated according to the output voltage amplitude and phase setting values, and the RPFC rotation anglesα 1 andα2 are adjusted after PI closed-loop control to continuously adjust the output voltage amplitude and phase to control the active and reactive power within the setting range respectively, which realizes the decoupling control of active and reactive power of the line and is of great significance to improve the system reliability.
An experimental RPFC prototype with a capacity of 40 kVA is developed and a power flow control scenario at 380 V voltage level is set up. The control experiments are conducted by changing the line power setting value and load power magnitude. The RPFC can control the active and reactive line power within the set range when the conditions change, which verifies the feasibility and effectiveness of the decoupling control of active and reactive power. The following conclusions can be drawn from the experiments analysis: (1) RPFC can output continuously adjustable synthesized voltage in amplitude and phase by adjusting the two rotation angles to realize continuous decoupling control of line active and reactive power. (2) When the line power setting values change or the load power fluctuates, RPFC can decoupled to control the line active and reactive power within the setting ranges, which has a good control effect. (3) The RPFC is one of the effective solutions for precise regulation of line power and flexible interconnection between regions, and the proposed control strategy provides a technical reference for the practical engineering application of RPFC.
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Jia Jiaoxin, Peng Weifeng, Yan Xiangwu, Shao Chen, Li Tiecheng. Research on Power Decoupling Control Method Rotary Power Flow Controller Based on Cosine Law. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 0, (): 230641-230641.
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