With the development of low-carbon power system construction, the development speed of wind energy power generation systems is further improved. In cold regions, available wind power is approximately 10% higher than in other regions, due to the increased air density caused by lower temperatures. However, wind turbines built in these places are facing severe icing problems. Ice accretion on wind turbine blades can reduce electric production, and cause unwanted vibration, thus reducing the lifetime of wind turbines. Therefore, it is necessary to apply ice protection techniques to wind turbines.
Inspired by the rubber de-icing boot used on aircraft wings, a new structural pneumatic impulse de-icing method was proposed. This method uses modified epoxy resin to cure the expandable flat tube into the protected structure. According to this method, a de-icing calculation model was proposed to guide the subsequent parameter optimization of the de-icing structure. To verify the accuracy of the de-icing calculation model and the de-icing feasibility of the new method, icing, and de-icing tests were carried out in an artificial climate chamber. During the icing test, the thickness of the ice layer covering the test sample included 1 mm, 2 mm, and 3 mm, and the icing temperature included -4℃, -8℃, and -12℃. In the de-icing test, the de-icing inflation pressure and de-icing area ratio are used to evaluate the de-icing effects of the sample.
Before the de-icing test, the transverse bonding stress between the ice layer and aluminum skin under different icing conditions was measured. As the icing temperature goes down, the transverse bonding stress shows an increasing trend. The measured transverse bonding stress is 0.238 MPa, 0.328 MPa, and 0.37 MPa respectively when the temperature is -4℃, -8℃, and -12℃. With the thickness of the ice layer increasing, the transverse bonding stress gets larger gradually. The measured transverse bonding stress is 0.178 MPa, 0.218 MPa, and 0.37 MPa respectively when the ice thickness is 1 mm, 2 mm, and 3 mm.
According to the de-icing test results, it is found that: (1) With the increase of ice thickness, the average deicing inflation pressure required by the test sample increases obviously, but the de-icing area ratio decreases. The reason for the increase in average de-icing pressure is the increase in transverse bonding stress between the ice layer and the aluminum skin and the deviation of the neutral layer of the composite beam towards the interface of the ice layer and the aluminum skin. (2) With the decrease in the icing temperature, the average de-icing pressure required by the test sample increases, while the de-icing area ratio decreases. The reason for this result is the increase of the elastic modulus of the ice layer and the transverse bonding stress.
By comparing the de-icing area ratio results obtained by the calculation model and the de-icing test, it is found that the calculation model can accurately calculate the ice-shedding area. Based on the verified de-icing calculation model, it is found that the de-icing area ratio can be improved by increasing the elastic modulus or the thickness of the deformable layer. However, the two structure parameters should not be increased blindly, which may lead to an increase in the average de-icing inflation pressure, thus increasing energy consumption.
于周, 舒立春, 胡琴, 蒋兴良, 李汉湘. 风机叶片气动脉冲除冰结构脱冰计算模型及试验验证[J]. 电工技术学报, 0, (): 230640-230640.
Yu Zhou, Shu Lichun, Hu Qin, Jiang Xingliang, Li Hanxiang. De-icing Calculation Model of Pneumatic Impulse De-icing Structure for Wind Turbine Blades and Experiment Verification. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 0, (): 230640-230640.
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