With the rapid development of active distribution network construction, the “petal-type” distribution network has become the mainstream power supply structure, which significantly improves the reliability of power supply compared with the radiation-type distribution network, but also shows the characteristics of uncontrollable power size and direction. Therefore, an electromagnetic rotating current controller (RPFC) control device is proposed, which can effectively control the power at the closing point of the loop, ensure the safe operation of the closing loop, and thus significantly improve the power supply reliability of the distribution network.
The RPFC consists of two sets of rotary phase-shifting transformers (RPSTs), which are similar to a transformer at rest, and the relative rotation of the stator-rotor angles of the phase-shifting transformers is achieved through the physical association of servo motors and the stator cores of the phase-shifting transformers, and the specific phase-angle difference is related to the relative angles of the stator-rotor angles, α1 and α2. Finally, the two RPST stator voltage vectors are superimposed to achieve the stringing of a voltage vector with adjustable amplitude and phase angle in the line.
Firstly, the power decoupling model of distribution network based on RPFC is constructed, and after RPFC is put into operation, the power at the closing loop point can be effectively controlled by adjusting the amplitude and phase angle of the voltage strung into the line.
Then, the research of RPFC two-stage speed control method is carried out. The RPFC power decoupling model includes the power ring, voltage ring, and angle ring, while the control effect of fixed speed is poor when Δα1 and Δα2 output servo motor speed based on the angle ring. This is because the power regulation time is longer under low speed regulation (the RPST speed is about 1°/s). And under high speed regulation (the speed of RPST is about 6°/s) may bring the problem of rotor angle overshooting, at this time, the power ring and voltage ring will lag behind the angle ring, and it is difficult to stabilise into the speed co-ordination adaptive stage, which makes the stability of the control system reduced, and in some cases leads to the problem of rotor angle oscillation. Therefore, a two-stage speed control scheme is designed to achieve a fast and stable response of power control. The first stage is the fast power response regulation process, which aims to quickly reach the set power range and reduce the regulation time (acting on the speed of the servo motor driver); the second stage is the speed coordination and adaptive control process, which aims to reduce the overshooting of the rotor angle to avoid the oscillation problem, and to improve the stability of RPFC regulation stability (acting on the pulse wave).
Finally, a 380 V/40 kV·A RPFC prototype and experimental platform are developed, and power regulation and power balancing experiments are carried out. The results show that the proposed control scheme is capable of achieving regulation at the second level, and the control accuracy is kept within 4%, with good dynamic and static performance, and it is able to satisfy the future “petal-type” power distribution network of flexible closed-loop operation. The results show that the proposed control scheme can achieve regulation in seconds and keep the control accuracy within 4%.
邵晨, 颜湘武, 贾焦心, 吴炜林, 李秉桢. 面向“花瓣型”配电网的旋转潮流控制器两阶段转速功率控制策略[J]. 电工技术学报, 2025, 40(1): 52-63.
Shao Chen, Yan Xiangwu, Jia Jiaoxin, Wu Weilin, Li Bingzhen. Two-Stage Speed-Power Control Strategy for Rotating Power Flow Controller in “Petal-Shaped” Distribution Networks. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2025, 40(1): 52-63.
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