Abstract:With the integration of a large number of inverter-interfaced distributed generators, the system structure, power flow direction, and operation mode of the distribution network have changed, and traditional single-end protection is rugged to meet the requirements. Differential protection has advantages in new distribution networks due to its excellent selectivity and sensitivity. However, for medium voltage distribution networks, because distributed power sources and loads are mainly connected through T-connected, the unobservability damages the original fault characteristics, making it difficult to balance selectivity and sensitivity in protection. This paper proposes a power differential protection method for distribution networks with T-connected IIDGs and loads. Firstly, considering the output characteristics of inverter-interfaced distributed generators during low voltage ride through, an amplitude comparison criterion using fault component positive sequence is proposed. When a near-end fault without grounding resistance occurs, the voltage drop of the line is high, and the fault component characteristics are significant. By mining the amplitude and directional characteristics of the positive sequence differential power of the fault components at both ends of the distribution line, a protection strategy is constructed to adapt to high-voltage drop faults. Besides, the dead-zone problem of power differential protection is solved. Secondly, regarding the insignificant fault component characteristics, a power differential criterion is constructed by approximately calculating the power of each T-connected IIDG or load through the electrical quantities at both ends to improve protection sensitivity. The protection ranges of these two criteria are estimated, and protection setting coordination is proposed. This protection can identify faults inside and outside the zone, effectively improving the adaptability of differential protection in distribution networks with T-connected IIDGs and loads. Finally, a simplified simulation model of a 10 kV distribution network is constructed. The following conclusions are drawn. (1) The protection criteria based on the active power characteristics of fault components can overcome the influence of T-connected IIDGs and loads. High voltage drop faults can be accurately identified in the inside and outside zones. (2) In the proposed protection method, a real-time estimation algorithm is used for the fault power contribution of IIDGs and loads, enabling the protection method to withstand a 300 Ω transition resistance. (3) The proposed method is a differential protection using measurement data from both terminals. Additional measurement devices are not required for T-connected IIDGs and loads. Compared with over-current protection, the proposed method has a significant advantage in operating time. (4) The proposed protection method is not affected by fault types and locations, IIDG penetration rate, capacity of T-connected and loads, noise, and grounding methods, showing strong adaptability. The effectiveness of the proposed protection method is verified. It can serve as a powerful supplement to protect the current distribution network, thereby improving the reliability and sensitivity of protection.
罗国敏, 谭颖婕, 吴梦宇, 和敬涵, 唐平舟. 考虑电压跌落差异的有源配电网功率差动保护[J]. 电工技术学报, 2025, 40(4): 1287-1306.
Luo Guomin, Tan Yingjie, Wu Mengyu, He Jinghan, Tang Pingzhou. Power Differential Protection for Active Distribution Networks Considering Voltage Drop Differences. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2025, 40(4): 1287-1306.
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