Method of Alarm Information Correction and Fault Location for Distribution Network with Inverter-Interfaced Distributed Generation
Li Zongbo1, Cui Yijia1, Wang Haoqing2, Xi Yibo3
1. Key Laboratory of Modern Power System Simulation and control & Renewable Energy Technology Ministry of Education Northeast Electric Power University Jilin 132012 China; 2. China Electric Power Research Institute Beijing 100192 China; 3. Ultra High Voltage Company State Grid Ningxia Electric Power Co. Ltd Yinchuan 750000 China
Abstract:The integration of inverter-interfaced distributed generation (IIDG) into distribution networks introduces issues of missing or false alarms at the existing feeder terminal unit (FTU). Simultaneously, external environmental factors can distort the reported fault information of FTUs, making it challenging to locate faults accurately. Considering the coupled impact of IIDG and environmental factors, this paper proposes a method for correcting FTU fault information and fault location by fusing alarm information and partial telemetry. Firstly, the fault type is judged according to the comparison of the number of lines, current mutation time, and amplitude of the short-circuit current characteristic at the switch. Then, the verification method of initial positioning results and the verification and correction method of alarm information are proposed. Based on the ratio of positive-sequence current amplitudes, a symmetric short circuit identification method is proposed by using the positive sequence current at the exit of the circuit and two adjacent sections. The effect of undetectable IIDGs is eliminated by rotating the leading phase current by 120° and subtracting the lagging phase current. Considering the type of unmeasured load, an asymmetric short circuit identification method based on the current similarity in adjacent sections is proposed. Then, the accuracy of the initial fault location results is judged. If the initial fault location result contains the real fault section, the location is considered accurate, and only the location result needs to be modified. If the real fault section is not included, a hierarchical analysis method of short-circuit characteristics of the distribution network is proposed. The distribution network is divided into several regions using the access points of branch lines or IIDG as boundaries. Short-circuit current characteristics are used to assess the fault occurrence area, and the short-circuit identification method filters fault sections, achieving the validation and correction of fault information. Finally, a standard example of IEEE 33 nodes and a model of the actual distribution network are built in PSCAD to verify the validity of alarm information correction and fault location methods. The following conclusions can be drawn from the simulation analysis. (1) When the double faults of different feeders occur, there are at least 2 lines with short circuit characteristics and an interval of no less than 20 ms between the current mutation time. When the double fault of the same feeder occurs, the three-phase short-circuit amplitude is no longer symmetrical, which is taken to be greater than 1.05 or less than 0.95. In addition to the above two cases, a single fault occurs in the line. (2) For symmetrical short circuits, the ratio of positive-sequence current amplitudes between the line outlet and the fault point is about 1, while the ratio of positive-sequence current amplitudes in the upstream and downstream sections of the fault point is not less than 1.43. The fault section can be accurately investigated according to this feature. For asymmetric short circuits, the differential current amplitude of the neighboring segments of the fault section is significantly larger than the fixed value, even up to tens of times the gap effect, which can effectively identify the fault section. (3) Combining the proposed area division method of the distribution network and the short circuit identification method achieves the verification and correction of alarm information and improves computational efficiency.
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Li Zongbo, Cui Yijia, Wang Haoqing, Xi Yibo. Method of Alarm Information Correction and Fault Location for Distribution Network with Inverter-Interfaced Distributed Generation. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2025, 40(4): 1268-1286.
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