Suppression of Commutation Resonance for Totem-Pole Bridgeless Power Factor Correction in Critical Current Mode
Huang Fan1, Ren Xiaoyong1, Chen Qianhong1, Li Mengrui2, Wang Shengdong3
1. College of Automation Engineering Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Nanjing 211106 China; 2. Luoyang Rosen Technology Limited Liability Company Luoyang 471000 China; 3. The 55th Research Institute of China Electronics Tech Group Corporation Nanjing 210096 China
Abstract:Totem-pole bridgeless power factor correction (PFC) circuit operating in critical conduction mode (CRM) has a low on-state loss, easy implementation of soft switching, and high power density. However, at the commutation time between the power frequency switches, the inductance in the circuit can resonate with the bus capacitance and the output junction capacitance of the switches. As a result, a large oscillation peak exists when the input current commutates and the secondary ripple of the bus voltage crosses the zero point. The oscillation of inductance current causes an increase in input current total harmonics distortion (THD). Meanwhile, the oscillation spike superimposed on the bus voltage's secondary ripple includes high-frequency components directly applied to the load through the subsequent DC-DC converter, causing the sensitive load to work improperly. Therefore, it is necessary to suppress the commutation resonance effectively. Through the analysis of the totem-pole circuit, the greater the impedance of the power frequency switch at its opening moment, the better the suppression effect of the oscillation. This paper proposes a three-level hybrid driving strategy for power frequency switches. Based on the characteristics of the linear switch, the adverse effects of high dv/dt and di/dt in the circuit can be overcome by changing the working mode of traditional driving circuits, increasing the damping of switching instants and optimizing switching trajectories. This strategy is to extend the time of the MOSFET operating in a linear region through a lower intermediate level Vint at the moment when the power frequency switch is turned on. When the voltage of another power frequency switch rises to the bus voltage and the circuit reaches stability, the driving signal reverts to the normal high level. The switching of the intermediate level is achieved through the auxiliary tube Q1. The input voltage is close to the zero-crossing point during commutation, and the input current oscillation is suppressed by the proposed control strategy. Therefore, the reliability of the system can be guaranteed, and the impact of the three-level hybrid drive strategy on efficiency can be ignored. To verify the proposed driving strategy, a 2 kW interleaved parallel CRM totem-pole bridgeless PFC prototype is built, and both the high-frequency switches and the power frequency switches use the C3M0065090D SiC MOSFET of CREE. An intermediate level of 3.3 V was selected according to simulations and conduction resistance comparisons of the MOSFET under different driving voltages. The results show that the three-level hybrid drive strategy can suppress power frequency commutation resonance. Under the 2 kW full load condition, the input current THD is reduced by 1%, and the peak value of the high-frequency component of the bus voltage spike is reduced from 2.83 V to below 0.01 V. Compared with the traditional method, a better oscillation suppression effect can be achieved with almost complete disappearance of inductance current oscillation and bus voltage spike. The prototype's efficiency under the full load condition is 98.81%, and different intermediate levels and their action time can be selected for different application scenarios, which has higher control accuracy than the traditional method.
黄帆, 任小永, 陈乾宏, 李梦睿, 王生东. 临界电流模式图腾柱无桥功率因数校正换相谐振抑制[J]. 电工技术学报, 2024, 39(12): 3816-3826.
Huang Fan, Ren Xiaoyong, Chen Qianhong, Li Mengrui, Wang Shengdong. Suppression of Commutation Resonance for Totem-Pole Bridgeless Power Factor Correction in Critical Current Mode. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2024, 39(12): 3816-3826.
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