Abstract:The SiC/Si hybrid switch (SiC/Si HyS) is composed of a SiC metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) and Si insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) in parallel, attracting much attention due to its low loss and low cost. However, the existing HyS research mainly focuses on changing the switching sequence to optimize its loss or reliability, which has the disadvantage of single control parameters. Besides, the HyS integrated drive circuit with multiple control parameters is lacking. Therefore, this paper proposes a SiC/Si HyS drive circuit with autonomous and coordinated control of switching sequences and driving voltages. Three switching patterns of different switching sequences and driving voltages for HyS can be provided, and the autonomous coordinated control of switching sequences and driving voltages is realized according to the load current level. Firstly, the effects of the switching sequence and driving voltage on the loss and electrical stress of SiC/Si HyS are analyzed. Then, a SiC/Si HyS switching strategy is proposed with coordinated control of the switching sequence and driving voltage. Secondly, the basic structure of the proposed drive circuit is introduced, which is mainly composed of a current sensor, field programmable gate array (FPGA), driving chip, auxiliary triodes, power module, and coupling capacitor. The switching principle and operation logic of the switching sequence and driving voltage are introduced. A HyS-type single-phase inverter based on the proposed drive circuit is built, and the effectiveness of the proposed drive circuit is verified. Finally, the advantages of the proposed drive circuit are analyzed in terms of inverter efficiency, drive circuit power loss, and drive circuit cost. The following conclusions can be drawn. (1) A SiC/Si HyS single-phase inverter is built to test the proposed drive circuit. The experimental results show that the proposed drive circuit can actively switch the switching sequence and driving voltage of SiC/Si HyS under different output power of the inverter. (2) The advantages of the proposed drive circuit in improving the efficiency of the inverter are analyzed. Compared with the existing drive circuit with a variable switching sequence, the efficiency of the inverter operating with the proposed drive circuit is improved by 0.73% and 0.42% when the output power of the inverter is 3 kW and 1.5 kW, respectively. Therefore, the proposed drive circuit can improve the operating efficiency of the inverter in the whole working domain. (3) The power loss and cost of the proposed and existing drive circuits are compared. The results show that the power loss and cost of the proposed drive circuit are increased by 0.065 W ( fs=100 kHz) and 2.72 yuan RMB (4.19%), respectively. Therefore, the power loss and cost increase can be negligible.
肖标, 郭祺, 涂春鸣, 肖凡, 龙柳. 面向开关时序与驱动电压自主协同调控的SiC/Si混合开关驱动电路[J]. 电工技术学报, 2025, 40(4): 1117-1128.
Xiao Biao, Guo Qi, Tu Chunming, Xiao Fan, Long Liu. SiC/Si Hybrid Switch Drive Circuit with Autonomous and Coordinated Control of Switching Sequences and Driving Voltages. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2025, 40(4): 1117-1128.
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