Distributed Hierarchical Cooperative Control and Stability Analysis of Flexible Interconnected Microgrid Cluster Via Back-to-Back Converters
Meng Xiaoxiao1, You Zehao1, Zhang Maofan2, Shao Bingbing1
1. Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Renewable Energy Utilization and Energy Saving Hefei University of Technology Hefei 230009 China; 2. Shibei Power Supply Branch of State Grid Chongqing Electric Power Company Chongqing 401147 China
Abstract:A single microgrid (MG) has a small capacity and poor stability problems. Combining multiple microgrids adjacent to each other in geographical space into a more compact whole, that is, microgrid cluster (MGC), is an effective way to improve the distributed power supply (DG) consumption level. The traditional interconnection mode has the defect that the disturbance between MG units cannot be isolated from each other, and the interactive power can only be adjusted indirectly. Although the flexible interconnection based on back-to-back converters (BTBC) has the advantages of inter-regional power flow continuous regulation and fault zone buffering, the flexible interconnection MGC system cannot form an effective “frequency signal” transmission among MG units. It is difficult to achieve active power sharing at the global level of microgrid clusters. The current MGC system based on BTBC interconnection has significant defects, mainly manifested as the lack of effective hierarchical cooperative control architecture design and stable dominant characteristics analysis under hierarchical cooperative control. A new control method based on the flexible interconnection of BTBC needs to be proposed. Firstly, this paper proposes a novel distributed hierarchical coordinated control architecture, including a physical layer of flexible interconnected microgrid cluster and an information layer with sparse communication in a two-layer structure. Under this control architecture, the control objectives can be realized, such as secondary restoration control, reactive power sharing control, and global active power sharing control for each DG frequency/port bounded voltage in the MG unit. Secondly, two control strategies are proposed to achieve global active power sharing. Local control is independent of communication but cannot be parallel with frequency invariant control, and hierarchical cooperative control depends on communication but can realize frequency invariant control at the same time. Thirdly, a full-order small signal model of the system is established, and the dominant modes are analyzed. Finally, Matlab/Simulink simulation is carried out to verify the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed control strategies. The conclusions are as follows. (1) Compared with the traditional hierarchical cooperative control and local control, the proposed strategy can achieve both MG frequency/voltage restorations and active/reactive power-sharing management. (2) The stable dominant modes of the proposed hierarchical cooperative control are the voltage and power angle dynamics in each MG. The stable dominant modes of local control are the dynamics in BTBCs. (3) The stability of the proposed hierarchical cooperative control strategy is close to the strategy mentioned in the literature [15]. It does not need to measure (or estimate) the local load in real-time, has no undefined solution problem, is easy to apply in practice.
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