电工技术学报  2024, Vol. 39 Issue (24): 7933-7949    DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.231644
电能存储与应用 |
陈媛1, 段文献2, 何怡刚3, 黄小贺1
1.安徽大学人工智能学院 合肥 230601;
2.汽车仿真与控制国家重点实验室(吉林大学) 长春 130022;
3.武汉大学电气工程与自动化学院 武汉 430000
State of Health Estimation of Lithium Ion Battery Based on Denoising Autoencoder-Gated Recurrent Unit
Chen Yuan1, Duan Wenxian2, He Yigang3, Huang Xiaohe1
1. College of Artificial Intelligence Anhui University Hefei 230601 China;
2. State Key Laboratory of Automotive Simulation and Control Jilin University Changchun 130022 China;
3. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation Wuhan University Wuhan 430000 China