电工技术学报  2024, Vol. 39 Issue (18): 5742-5754    DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.231292
电力电子 |
林国庆, 黄远彬
福州大学福建省新能源发电与电能变换重点实验室 福州 350116
Two-Switch Electrolytic Capacitor-Less LED Driving Circuit Topology and Control Strategy
Lin Guoqing, Huang Yuanbin
Fujian Key Laboratory of New Energy Generation and Power Conversion Fuzhou University Fuzhou 350116 China
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摘要 LED驱动电源常因含有平衡输入输出功率的电解电容而导致寿命大打折扣,为延长LED驱动电源的使用寿命以及提高其可靠性,该文提出一种两开关无电解电容LED驱动电路拓扑,该拓扑以反激变换器为基础,通过集成的辅助储能电容实现输入输出瞬时功率平衡,从而大大地减小了抑制输出电流低频纹波所需的电容器容值,实现无电解电容化,并充分吸收漏感能量,使电源效率得到提高。详细分析该电路拓扑的工作原理及各个模态,给出参数设计方法,并提出相应控制策略,最后,搭建一台35 W原理样机验证了该电路拓扑的可行性。
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关键词 LED驱动电路无电解电容低频纹波抑制漏感吸收    
Abstract:As the fourth generation lighting source, the Lighting Emitting Diode (LED) has gradually replaced conventional sources of light in various lighting fields due to its excellent qualities in luminous efficiency, service life, environmental protection, and production cost. Designing an LED driving power supply with a long service life, low device cost, high efficiency, and high reliability is urgent.
This paper proposes a two-switch electrolytic capacitor-less LED driving circuit topology, which integrates the auxiliary energy storage circuit into the flyback converter to suppress low-frequency ripples of the output current and remove the electrolytic capacitor in the LED driving power supply. This circuit only contains two switches and two diodes by sharing power switches and energy storage components, reducing circuit cost and improving the efficiency of the LED driving power supply. The auxiliary energy storage capacitor for balancing the input and output ripple power difference is isolated from the LED load. Thus, the energy storage capacitance can be reduced by increasing the energy storage capacitor’s average voltage or ripple value. The maximum capacitor value used in the entire LED driving power supply is reduced to 6.8uF, and the electrolytic capacitor is replaced by the film capacitor with smaller capacitance and longer life, which improves the service life and reliability of the LED driving power supply. Moreover, the auxiliary circuit without additional structures absorbs the voltage spike caused by the leakage inductance of its energy storage capacitor, reducing the voltage stress of the switch and enabling a wide AC input voltage range.
A control strategy for ripple suppression and minimum energy storage capacitor voltage is proposed. According to the relationship among the duty cycle of each switch, the auxiliary energy storage capacitor voltage, the output current, and the changing rules of the working duty cycle are obtained under the conditions that the two switches turn off at the same time when charging the auxiliary energy storage capacitor and turn on at the same time when discharging. The low-frequency ripple of the output current is suppressed by controlling the minimum value of the auxiliary energy storage capacitor voltage, and the efficiency of the LED driving power supply is further improved.
Based on the working principle of the circuit, the critical parameter design method is given, the selection principles of the energy storage capacitor value are determined, and the corresponding control strategy is proposed. Finally, a 35 W principle prototype is built. The results show that when the auxiliary energy storage capacitor and output filter capacitor are both 6.8 μF, the output current ripple of the prototype is less than 10% in the AC input voltage range of 90~264 V, the maximum efficiency reaches 87.8%, and the circuit power factors are higher than 0.95. The proposed circuit topology and control strategy achieve electrolytic capacitor-less, output current ripple suppression, high power factor, and wide AC input voltage range, which eliminates the impact of the electrolytic capacitor on the service life of the LED driving power supply.
Key wordsLED driving circuit    electrolytic capacitor-less    low frequency ripple suppression    leakage absorption   
收稿日期: 2023-08-09     
PACS: TM46  
通讯作者: 黄远彬 男,1998年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为电能的高频变换与控制技术。E-mail: 1132629625@qq.com   
作者简介: 林国庆 男,1966年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为电力电子变流技术、照明电源、新能源发电技术、电磁兼容。E-mail: lgqe@163.com
林国庆, 黄远彬. 两开关无电解电容LED驱动电路拓扑及控制策略[J]. 电工技术学报, 2024, 39(18): 5742-5754. Lin Guoqing, Huang Yuanbin. Two-Switch Electrolytic Capacitor-Less LED Driving Circuit Topology and Control Strategy. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2024, 39(18): 5742-5754.
https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.231292          https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/Y2024/V39/I18/5742