Abstract:A novel active power decoupling circuit with tiny Boost capability and a novel control strategy for the electrolytic capacitor-less drive system are proposed. Under the same boost voltage condition, the working range of power device of the circuit is more reasonable, and the current quality on the input side of the electrolytic capacitor-less driving system is effectively improved while reducing the voltage stress of the inverter power device. The total harmonics of the DC bus voltage AC component are introduced into the input reference current control of the drive system to control the DC bus voltage within the given range, and achieve high performance operation of the electrolytic capacitor-less drive system under static and dynamic conditions. The working mechanism of the new active power decoupling circuit is analyzed, and its mathematical model is deduced. The design of key parameters of the circuit is described in detail. Finally, the effectiveness of the decoupling circuit and the corresponding electrolytic capacitor-less driving system is verified by a prototype.
张超, 胡鑫, 朱孝勇, 徐磊, 全力. 基于微升压功率解耦电路的无电解电容驱动系统研究[J]. 电工技术学报, 2019, 34(16): 3322-3332.
Zhang Chao, Hu Xin, Zhu Xiaoyong, Xu Lei, Quan Li. Research on Electrolytic Capacitor-Less Motor Drive System Based on Tiny Boost Converter. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2019, 34(16): 3322-3332.
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