Robust Self-Synchronization Control Strategy for Doubly-Fed Induction Generator Based on Transient Electromotive Force Control
Huang Da1,2, Ke Deping1,2, Yang Huanhuan3, Xu Guanghu3, Xu Jian1,2
1. Hubei Engineering and Technology Research Center for AC/DC Intelligent Distribution Network School of Electrical Engineering and Automation Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China; 2. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China; 3. China Southern Power Grid Power Dispatching and Control Center Guangzhou 510000 China
Abstract:The grid-side converter (GSC) of the doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) is directly connected to the grid. Theoretically, virtual synchronous generator (VSG) control can be applied to GSC. However, it is difficult to control the total active output of DFIG through GSC directly, and establishing the “active power-phase angle” relationship between the total active output of DFIG and GSC potential is challenging. The current academic community's implementation of self-synchronization control (VSG control) on the rotor-side converter (RSC) of DFIG ignores the influence of fan dynamics on self-synchronization control. This paper proposes a robust self-synchronization control strategy for DFIG based on transient electromotive force control. It can provide synchronization support to the power grid while ensuring the stability of the closed-loop control system. Furthermore, a robust PI parameter design method for self-synchronization control is proposed. Firstly, by analogy with traditional synchronous generators, a self-synchronization control strategy diagram considering the dynamic characteristics of the DFIG excitation system is proposed to control the RSC output voltage. The proposed self-synchronization control strategy needs to use the transient reactance parameters of DFIG to obtain measured values of transient reactance. Accordingly, An open-loop model of the system is established, and a robust PI parameter design method for self-synchronization control is proposed for the open-loop system, which can effectively solve the stability problem of the closed-loop control system in the presence of uncertainty in the DFIG parameters. Simulation results show that after disconnecting the infinite power switch in a single machine infinite power supply system with load, the system can still operate stably even after losing the infinite power supply. The virtual angular velocity of the self-synchronization control DFIG ultimately stabilizes at 0.997(pu), and the steady-state output active power increment is about 0.014 7(pu) Therefore, the droop coefficient of the self-synchronization control can be estimated to be 0.014 7/0.003=4.9. The average output active power change within 50 ms after cutting off the power supply is about 0.014 0(pu), and the average frequency change rate is about 0.004 5(pu)/s. The inertia time coefficient of self-synchronization control is estimated at about 0.014 0/0.004 5/2=1.56. The estimated results are consistent with the self-synchronization control parameters D and H set in the simulation. Then, small and large disturbance tests are conducted on a single-machine infinite bus DFIG system with self-synchronization control using different PI parameters. Under the small disturbance test, as the uncertainty of DFIG transient reactance increases, the maximum characteristic root of the real part of the closed-loop system begins to move towards the right half plane of the complex plane, and the system’s stability gradually deteriorates. However, the stability degradation rate of closed-loop systems using ordinary PI parameters is faster. When the uncertainty is about 20%, the system is already unstable with small disturbances, while the closed-loop system using robust PI parameters is still stable. In the large disturbance test, when the short-circuit duration is 0.1 s, the closed-loop system using two sets of PI parameters can maintain stability. When the duration of the short circuit increases to 0.114 s, the closed-loop system using robust PI parameters can still maintain transient stability, while the closed-loop system using ordinary PI parameters has become unstable. In addition, the variations are similar in the disturbance tests of the three-machine and nine-node system. The following conclusions can be drawn. (1) Implementing transient electromotive force inner loop tracking control on the RSC of DFIG can provide controllable voltage source characteristics to the stator side of DFIG. Therefore, just like controlling the voltage source converter, the phase angle of transient electromotive force can be controlled through the active power outer loop, while the amplitude of transient electromotive force can be controlled through the reactive power outer loop. Therefore, self-synchronization control of DFIG is achieved. (2) The proposed robust parameter design method can enhance the immune ability of the closed-loop system to parameter uncertainty and improve system stability.
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Huang Da, Ke Deping, Yang Huanhuan, Xu Guanghu, Xu Jian. Robust Self-Synchronization Control Strategy for Doubly-Fed Induction Generator Based on Transient Electromotive Force Control. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2025, 40(4): 1046-1062.
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