Composite Control Strategy of Zero Voltage Switch Angle Tracking and Dynamic Capacitance Compensation Matrix for Wireless Power Transfer
Li Zheng1,2, Tang Minglei1, Xie Bo1, Zhu Yiding1, Sun Hexu1
1. School of Electrical Engineering Hebei University of Science and Technology Shijiazhuang 050018 China; 2. School of Electrical Engineering Yanshan University Qinhuangdao 066004 China
Abstract:Changing parameters of dynamic wireless power transfer systems can affect power transfer efficiency. This paper proposes a frequency-tracking control strategy for the DWPT system combined with zero voltage switch angle tracking and a dynamic capacitance compensation matrix. A current sensor is used to obtain the phase of the resonant current, and a reference signal generated by the processor is used to measure the phase of the resonant current. The micro-control calculates the size of the compensation capacitor according to the degree of frequency drift, roughly adjusts the natural resonant frequency to 85 kHz, and then automatically tracks the resonant current phase. Firstly, the structure of the wireless power transfer system and the working conditions of constant current and constant voltage charging are analyzed, and the relationship between the output voltage/duty cycle and working frequency is deduced. The output voltage can be adjusted by manipulating the duty cycle D and ω. The working principle of the dynamic capacitance compensation matrix is also analyzed. By adjusting the dynamic capacitance compensation matrix, the resonant frequency of the circuit can be tuned. Next, the operating principle of the phase detection circuit is analyzed, and a new phase detection method is adopted to effectively improve the system's anti-interference capability. The components of the system are introduced, and the working principle of each part of the circuit is explained. Then, a control strategy is proposed combining dynamic capacitance compensation matrix and zero-voltage switching angle tracking. The battery load charging and anti-disturbance are simulated. The results show that the composite control strategy can realize the battery load charging while tracking frequency. Finally, the efficiency of the control method is quantitatively compared with the existing control methods. The proposed method acquires the phase of the high-frequency current by sampling the DC signal derived from the phase detection circuit, greatly reducing the microcontroller's computational workload. The control strategy and system structure proposed in this paper combines the advantages of analog circuits and digital control, which have a high dynamic response to system parameter changes and save processor resources. With precise zero-voltage switching angle control, the system can achieve zero-voltage switching over almost a large load range, and its efficiency reaches up to 91.19% when k =0.25.
李争, 唐明磊, 解波, 朱乙丁, 孙鹤旭. 无线电能传输零电压开关角跟踪和动态电容补偿矩阵复合控制策略[J]. 电工技术学报, 2024, 39(12): 3602-3615.
Li Zheng, Tang Minglei, Xie Bo, Zhu Yiding, Sun Hexu. Composite Control Strategy of Zero Voltage Switch Angle Tracking and Dynamic Capacitance Compensation Matrix for Wireless Power Transfer. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2024, 39(12): 3602-3615.
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