1.北京理工大学珠海学院工业自动化学院 珠海 519088; 2.Sea Electric Energy Incorporation Mississauga L5N 1L2
Optimization Design of Halbach Linear Generator with Simulated Annealing Algorithm
Liu Na1, Tan Yimin2, Mo Weiqiang1, Han Huanqing1, Li Lin1
1. School of Industrial Automation Beijing Institute of Technology of Zhuhai Zhuhai 519088 China; 2. Sea Electric Energy Incorporation Mississauga L5N 1L2 Canada
Abstract:It is necessary to establish a corresponding theoretical model to save engineering cost and improve research efficiency during studying energy harvesting of ocean wave. Because of low energy conversion efficiency existed in capturing ocean wave energy by wave energy converter, the mechanism of slotless Halbach linear generator was adopted as the secondary energy conversion device to optimize magnetic field distribution of the generator in this paper. The topology of Halbach linear generator was defined, then the magnetic vector potential theory was adopted to deduce the expressions of Halbach linear generator’s performance. Finally, a comprehensive analysis model of the generator has been established. With the derived model, a global optimal solution was gained by simulated annealing algorithm (SAA). Meanwhile, the linear generator design parameters have been obtained, including dimensions of permanent magnet and winding coil. The difference between the linear generator peak power of the analytical solution and SAA result is about 3.6%. Based on the optimized parameters, the design of Halbach linear generator is determined, which provides data support for the verification of the prototype experiment.
刘娜, 谭亦旻, 莫伟强, 韩欢庆, 李琳. 基于模拟退火算法的Halbach直线发电机优化设计[J]. 电工技术学报, 2021, 36(6): 1210-1218.
Liu Na, Tan Yimin, Mo Weiqiang, Han Huanqing, Li Lin. Optimization Design of Halbach Linear Generator with Simulated Annealing Algorithm. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2021, 36(6): 1210-1218.
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