A dual three-phase linear induction motor operating in non-periodic transient conditions driven by two independent energy chains has advantages in power level, power density, freedom degree of control and system redundancy. In this paper, a vector control method is given based on the model of dual three-phase linear induction motor with dynamic end effect. According to the operation characteristics of the non-periodic transient system, an energy chain switching control method under the fault operation condition is proposed, which uses the open-loop calculation of the given thrust as the input of vector control. The proposed method can avoid the coupling of the given current change and the output current peak during the transient processes of system fault. Taking the maximum output thrust constraint with dynamic end effect into consideration, it adjusts the given thrust according to the control target, thereby realizing the safe operation of the single energy chain in case of system failures. Simulation and experimental results verified the correctness and feasibility of the proposed control method.
韩一, 聂子玲, 许金, 朱俊杰, 芮万智. 双三相非周期瞬态直线感应电机能量链切换控制策略[J]. 电工技术学报, 2021, 36(2): 258-267.
Han Yi, Nie Ziling, Xu Jin, Zhu Junjie, Rui Wanzhi. Energy Chain Switching Control of a Dual Three-Phase Linear Induction Motor Operating in Non-Periodic Transient Conditions. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2021, 36(2): 258-267.
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