电工技术学报  2020, Vol. 35 Issue (16): 3489-3497    DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.190877
电力电子 |
吴昊坤, 黄科元, 吕维, 莫晓玲, 黄守道
湖南大学电气与信息工程学院 长沙 410082
Z-Source Inverter DC-Link Voltage Control Strategy for High Speed Permanent Magnet Motor
Wu Haokun, Huang Keyuan, Lü Wei, Mo Xiaoling, Huang Shoudao
College of Electrical and Information Engineering Hunan University Changsha 410082 China
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摘要 该文提出一种Z源逆变器直流链电压的控制策略及其实现方法。为了扩大高速永磁电机的运行范围, 提高供电效率, 需要依据电机运行状态实时地控制Z源逆变器的直流链电压。该文提出的策略不仅考虑电机稳态时的直流链电压, 还设计动态升压曲线并采取相应的非线性控制器保证实施效果。这种控制策略统一协调了直通占空比和调制度这两个主要控制量, 因此在实现电压的快速跟踪与降低损耗的同时, 也保证了系统的稳定性。另外, 为了保证控制策略的实施效果, 该文采用一种基于电容电压间接控制的模糊PI控制系统来控制直流链电压。这种控制方式很好地抑制给定突变或负载突变引起的系统波动。此外, 该策略还可以应用于各种常规的电压型Z源逆变器的脉宽调制策略。实验验证了该策略的有效性。
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关键词 电力驱动高速永磁电机模糊控制协调控制Z源逆变器    
Abstract:This paper presents a DC-link voltage control strategy and implementation method for Z-source inverters. In order to expand the operation range of high-speed permanent magnet motor and improve the power supply efficiency, it is necessary to control the DC-link voltage of Z-source inverter in real time according to the operation states of the motor. The proposed strategy not only considers the DC-link voltage of the motor in steady state, but also designs the dynamic boost curve and adopts the corresponding non-linear controller to ensure the implementation effect. The proposed strategy coordinates the two main control variables in the Z-source inverter, i.e. shoot-through duty ratio and modulation index. Therefore, it ensures the stability of the system while achieving fast following and reducing the loss. In addition, a fuzzy PI controller based on the indirect control of capacitor voltage is used to control the DC-link voltage to suppress the system fluctuation caused by the change of the given value or the motor load. Besides, the proposed strategy can be applied to various conventional voltage PWM strategies of Z-source inverter. Experiments have verified the effectiveness of the proposed strategy.
Key wordsElectrical drives    high speed permanent magnet motors    fuzzy control    unified control    Z-source inverter   
收稿日期: 2019-07-13     
PACS: TM341  
通讯作者: 黄科元 男, 1974年生, 副教授, 硕士生导师, 研究方向为电力电子与电力传动、风力发电及其控制。E-mail: kyhuang@163.com   
作者简介: 吴昊坤 男, 1995年生, 硕士研究生, 研究方向为高速电机和Z源逆变器控制系统。E-mail: wuhaokun2016@163.com
吴昊坤, 黄科元, 吕维, 莫晓玲, 黄守道. 用于高速永磁电机的Z源逆变器直流链电压控制策略[J]. 电工技术学报, 2020, 35(16): 3489-3497. Wu Haokun, Huang Keyuan, Lü Wei, Mo Xiaoling, Huang Shoudao. Z-Source Inverter DC-Link Voltage Control Strategy for High Speed Permanent Magnet Motor. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2020, 35(16): 3489-3497.
https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.190877          https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/Y2020/V35/I16/3489