Abstract:In large-capacity power electronic equipment, the stray inductance of the bus bar will not only cause higher voltage peak but also bring serious EMI issues during the commutation process. Thus, the stray inductance needs to be calculated accurately to analyze and optimize the system performance. Compared with the conventional differential method, the integral form is insensitive to the shape of the current waveform and has anti-noise ability. However, the results are greatly influenced by the boundary of integral. In this paper, an improved integral form of inductance extraction method for the bus bar is proposed. Herein, both the stray resistance and the measuring bias are considered to improve the calculation accuracy. Moreover, a double-pulse testing platform for the 1 200V/3 600A IGBT is built. The stray inductance is extracted through different methods to verify the effectiveness and the accuracy of the proposed method.
金祝锋, 李威辰, 胡斯登, 张志学, 何湘宁. 大容量电力电子装置中母排杂散电感提取方法的优化研究[J]. 电工技术学报, 2017, 32(14): 1-7.
Jin Zhufeng, Li Weichen, Hu Sideng, Zhang Zhixue, He Xiangning. Optimized Stray Inductance Extraction Method of Bus Bar in Large-Capacity Power Electronic Equipment. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2017, 32(14): 1-7.
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