Abstract:The power electronic transformer (PET),which is applied in a hybrid AC-DC microgrid,is analyzed including grid-connected mode and islanded mode.Appropriate power control strategies are designed accordingly.In grid-connected mode,by controlling the input of PET,the hybrid AC-DC microgrid is equivalent to the resistive load or the current source,and the AC and DC output of PET is equivalent to the voltage sources.In islanded mode,a hybrid power droop control method is presented.The required exchange power between the AC and DC microgrid can be obtained with the frequency and voltage at the interface considering the droop features of hybrid AC-DC microgrid.The simulation model of AC-DC microgrid and PET are built to analyze the power fluctuations of the distributed energy in microgrid.The results show that the power flow can be coordinated by PET among main grid,AC microgrid,and DC microgrid with the proposed control strategy.The stability of AC-DC microgrid has been ensured and thus the validity of the suggested method has been proved.
兰征, 涂春鸣, 肖凡, 葛俊, 熊诵辉. 电力电子变压器对交直流混合微网功率控制的研究[J]. 电工技术学报, 2015, 30(23): 50-57.
Lan Zheng, Tu Chunming, Xiao Fan, Ge Jun, Xiong Songhui. The Power Control of Power Electronic Transformer in Hybrid AC-DC Microgrid. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2015, 30(23): 50-57.
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