Abstract:Through the analysis of the operation characteristics and problems of dual-active- bridge (DAB) DC-DC converters in the power electronic transformer (PET), this paper proposed a multi-module optimized power balance control scheme with triple phase-shift (TPS) to improve the efficiency, enhance the dynamic response and balance the transmission for the input-series-output- parallel operated DAB converters. Compared to traditional input voltage balance control scheme, the proposed control scheme can further improve the efficiency and dynamic performance under the input voltage step-change condition without increasing additional sensors. Finally, the traditional input voltage balance control and proposed multi-module optimized power balance control schemes were compared in a scale-down three-cell experimental platform using TMS320F28335+FPGA_6SLX45 as the core controller. The experimental results have verified the excellent performance of the proposed scheme and the theory analysis.
安峰, 王嵩, 杨柯欣. 输入串联输出并联双有源全桥DC-DC变换器多模块优化功率平衡控制方法[J]. 电工技术学报, 2018, 33(16): 3732-3742.
An Feng, Wang Song, Yang Kexin. Multi-Module Optimized Power Balance Control Scheme of the Input-Series-Output-Parallel Operated Dual-Active-Bridge DC-DC Converters. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2018, 33(16): 3732-3742.
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