Axial Flux Modular Hybrid Excitation Switched Reluctance Motor and Its Winding Fault Characteristics
Wang Guoping1,2, Chen Hao1,2,3, Qi Yong4, Xu Lijun3, Yu Fengyuan2, Yan Wenju2,5,6,7
1. Shenzhen Research Institute China University of Mining and Technology Shenzhen 518057 China; 2. School of Electrical Engineering China University of Mining and Technology Xuzhou 221116 China; 3. School of Control Engineering School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Urumqi 830023 China; 4. School of Computer Science and Engineering Nanjing University of Technology Nanjing 210094 China; 5. International Joint Research Center of Central and Eastern European Countries on New Energy Electric Vehicle Technology and Equipment Xuzhou 221008 China; 6. International Cooperation Joint Laboratory of New Energy Power Generation and Electric Vehicles of Jiangsu Province Colleges and Universities Xuzhou 221008 China; 7. Xuzhou Key Laboratory of New Energy Electric Vehicle Technology and Equipment Xuzhou 221008 China
Abstract:Axial flux switched reluctance motors (AFSRM) are widely used due to the advantages of high torque density. The dual-stator axial motor with stator modularity and PMs can significantly improve the fault tolerance and torque output capability of AFSRM. An axial flux modular-double-stator hybrid-excitation SRM (AFMHSRM) with high torque performance and fault-tolerant redundancy capability is designed. This motor’s coupling characteristics and performance under different winding faults are analyzed. Firstly, the topology of AFMHSRM and its working principle are analyzed. The redundancy capability of the motor in case of failure is improved by modularizing the stator, while the PM is used for hybrid excitation to improve the motor output torque capability. Subsequently, the magnetic flux path coupling characteristics of the proposed motor are qualitatively analyzed by the equivalent magnetic circuit (MEC), and the torque enhancement produced by hybrid excitation is theoretically discussed. In addition, the magnetic flux path in case of winding fault is decoupled, and the relationship between torque and flux is given. The static torque characteristics of the proposed motor and the conventional axial flux modular-double-stator SRM (CAFMSRM) are compared by the finite element software Ansys/Maxwell when the windings are excited with a current of 30 A under different fault conditions. The hybrid excitation with PM of the AFMHSRM has higher output torque than CAFMSRM. A unified simulation model of the AFMHSRM winding with different fault states is established, and the dynamic performance of the AFMHSRM and CAFMSRM is simulated. In the series current chopper control (CCC) control mode, the torque of AFMHSRM is up to 45.99% higher than that of CAFMSRM, and the torque ripple of AFMHSRM is 12.69% lower than that of CAFMSRM. In parallel single pulse control (SPC) mode, the AFMHSRM has greater torque and lower torque ripple than the CAFMSRM. Finally, the accuracy of the static and dynamic performance analysis is verified by a prototype. The following conclusions can be drawn. (1) The modular structure of the proposed AFMHSRM attenuates the magnetic coupling and improves the fault redundancy capability. (2) The introduction of PMs results in the highest increase of torque output capability by 45.99% and the lowest reduction of torque ripple by 12.69% of the AFMHSRM, compared to the CAFMSRM. (3) In a single-phase failure of three out of four windings, the AFMHSRM can still produce 69.89% of the torque during normal operation.
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