电工技术学报  2015, Vol. 30 Issue (12): 267-275    DOI:
电机与电器 |
天津大学电气与自动化工程学院 天津 300072
Eddy Current Loss Analysis in the Rotor magnets of Permanent Magnet Spherical Motor
Li Hongfeng,Shen Yanbo
School of Electrical Engineering and Automation Tianjin University Tianjin 300072 China
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摘要 永磁球形电动机的磁极呈球面锥体结构,各定子线圈相互独立分布于定子球壳内表面,针对这些特性,提出了一种计算永磁球形电动机永磁体涡流损耗的三维解析模型.该模型将双重傅里叶级数法与矢量磁位解析法相结合,首先利用双重傅里叶级数法求得定子内径处电流密度分布,继而将其作为边界条件,借助三维拉普拉斯方程,获得了矢量磁位的特解,最后推导得到了永磁球形电动机永磁体涡流损耗的解析表达式.该模型充分考虑到了时间谐波与空间谐波对涡流损耗的影响,并分析了不同的电机结构参数对永磁体涡流损耗的影响.将解析法与有限元法所得结果进行了比较,结果一致,证明了该解析模型的有效性.
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关键词 永磁球形电动机双重傅里叶级数法矢量磁位法永磁体涡流损耗解析模型    
Abstract:The rotor magnets of the permanent magnet spherical motor(PMSM) have a structure of spherical cone, and all of the stator coils are distributed on the inner surface of the stator shell independently of each other. In view of these characteristics, a three-dimensional(3-D) analytical model is presented to study the eddy current loss of magnets in the PMSM. And this model combines the double Fourier series decomposition and the magnetic vector potential method. First, the current density distribution at the inner diameter of the stator is described by employing the double Fourier series decomposition. With the current density distribution and other boundary conditions, the unique solution of magnetic vector potential is obtained by solving 3-D Laplace’s equations. Further, the analytic expression of PM eddy current loss in the PMSM is derived. This model considers the effect of harmonics, and the influence of different motor parameters on the eddy current loss has been analyzed. The results of analytical method and finite element method(FEM) are compared, proving the effectiveness of the proposed analytical model.
Key wordsPMSM    double Fourier series decomposition    magnetic vector potential method    analytical model of PM eddy current loss   
收稿日期: 2014-07-10      出版日期: 2015-09-14
PACS: TM351  
作者简介: 李洪凤 女,1979年生,副教授,研究方向为电机与电器.沈彦波 男,1991年生,硕士,研究方向为电机与电器.
李洪凤,沈彦波. 永磁球形电动机永磁体涡流损耗分析[J]. 电工技术学报, 2015, 30(12): 267-275. Li Hongfeng,Shen Yanbo. Eddy Current Loss Analysis in the Rotor magnets of Permanent Magnet Spherical Motor. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2015, 30(12): 267-275.