电工技术学报  2023, Vol. 38 Issue (10): 2637-2647    DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.220768
电机及其系统 |
张玉峰1, 高文韬1, 史乔宁1, 孟庆品2, 杜光辉1
1.西安科技大学电气与控制工程学院 西安 710054;
2.国网陕西电力有限公司西咸新区供电公司 西安 712000
Optimization Design of Dual-Redundancy Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on Improved Iterations Taguchi Method
Zhang Yufeng1, Gao Wentao1, Shi Qiaoning1, Meng Qingpin2, Du Guanghui1
1. College of Electrical and Control Engineering Xi'an University of Science and TechnologyXi'an 710054 China;
2. State Grid Shanxi Electric Power Co. Ltd Xixian New Area Power Supply Company Xi'an 712000 China
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摘要 针对双余度永磁同步电机(DRPMSM)的多目标优化设计问题,该文采用Pearson相关系数分析法,在参数敏感度分析的基础上,提出一种改进迭代田口法的多目标优化设计方法。该方法利用单余度模式下的田口法优化设计结果作为双余度模式下优化因子水平取值的依据,对优化因子的水平取值进行了优化选择。既考虑了各工作模式下的优化设计,又解决了不同水平值之间无法寻优的问题。以800 W双余度永磁同步电机为例,利用有限元仿真,对比分析了优化前后的效率、转矩等关键性能参数,验证了所提优化方法的有效性。最后,制作了实验样机,实验测试结果与优化设计结果有较高的吻合度,证明该文所提出方法可有效解决多余度电机的多目标优化设计问题,拓宽了对于该类电机的优化设计思路。
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关键词 双余度永磁同步电机敏感度分析迭代田口法多目标优化有限元分析    
Abstract:Compared with the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), the dual redundancy permanent magnet synchronous motor (DRPMSM) has more working states and optimized design parameters. Most of the multi-objective optimization methods for DRPMSM are based on the optimization design methods of PMSM, which is difficult to meet the optimization requirements of DRPMSM in multiple working states. Moreover, the traditional Taguchi method cannot optimize the gap between the two-level values of the parameters. Therefore, this paper proposes an improved iteration Taguchi method for the DRPMSM, combining the Taguchi method with a sequential optimization strategy. The sensitivity of parameters based on the Pearson correlation coefficient is filtered. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by the finite element analysis (FEA) and experimental results.
Firstly, the sensitivity of parameters was calculated, and the parameters were screened for the single redundancy working state and dual redundancy working state, respectively. Secondly, the Taguchi method was used in the single redundancy working state. Four groups of parameters were obtained, namely, the optimal efficiency, the optimal torque, the optimal torque ripple coefficient, and the optimal Taguchi. Next, the gap of two-level values of the parameters was scaled down under the dual redundancy working state. In addition, the Taguchi method was used again to optimize the DRPMSM motor in the dual redundancy working state. Finally, the optimal values of the parameters were selected. In the improved iterative Taguchi method, the parameters set obtained from single redundancy working state limits the gap of two-level values of the dual redundancy working state parameters. The issue that the traditional Taguchi method cannot optimize the gap of two-level values was addressed.
Simulation results on the DRPMSM show that, for single redundancy working state, the efficiency of the motor is increased by 0.75 %, the output torque is increased by 1.16 %, and the torque ripple coefficient is decreased by 27.42 %. Furthermore, for dual redundancy working state, the efficiency of the motor is increased by 1.86 %, the output torque is increased by 0.62 %, and the torque ripple coefficient is decreased by 24.07 %. The error of the FEA results is less than 10 % compared with the experimental test of the prototype. The error of efficiency and the error output torque of the FEA and experimental are less than 2 %. The error of the FEA and experimental torque ripple coefficient is large due to the axial deviation and coupler deformation. The design motor performances in single and dual redundancy working states are close to that of the experimental test of the prototype, which indicates that the prototype can maintain the corresponding performance in single and dual redundancies.
The following conclusions can be drawn from the simulation analysis and the prototype experiment. (1) The introduction of the Pearson correlation coefficient is helpful to select parameters. (2) The combination of the Taguchi method and sequential optimization strategy can address the issue of optimizing the gap of two-level values of the parameter in the Taguchi method. Different working states of the motor can also be considered. (3) The parameters with high sensitivity under different states can be considered, and the selection among parameters is comprehensive.
Key wordsDual-redundancy permanent magnet synchronous motor (DRPMSM)    sensitivity analysis    iterations Taguchi method    multi-objective optimization    finite element analysis (FEA)   
收稿日期: 2022-05-09     
PACS: TM351  
通讯作者: 张玉峰 男,1977年生,副教授,硕士生导师,主要研究方向为高性能电机设计及控制、超导应用技术等。E-mail: xkdzhangyufeng@xust.edu.cn   
作者简介: 高文韬 男,1996年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为永磁电机设计及多目标优化等。E-mail: gaowentao0704@163.com
张玉峰, 高文韬, 史乔宁, 孟庆品, 杜光辉. 基于改进迭代田口法的双余度永磁同步电机优化设计[J]. 电工技术学报, 2023, 38(10): 2637-2647. Zhang Yufeng, Gao Wentao, Shi Qiaoning, Meng Qingpin, Du Guanghui. Optimization Design of Dual-Redundancy Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on Improved Iterations Taguchi Method. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2023, 38(10): 2637-2647.
https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.220768          https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/Y2023/V38/I10/2637