AC Flashover Characteristics of Composite Suspension Insulators under Heavy Rainstorm
Hu Qin1, Chen Xuye1, Wen Jun2, Rong Wenqi1, Wei Yanan2
1. XuefengMountain Energy Equipment Safety National Observation and Research Station Chongqing University Chongqing 400044 China;
2. State Grid Wenzhou Power Supply Company Wenzhou 325000 China
With global climate warming, the frequency of heavy rainstorm events is increasing. During heavy rainstorms, composite suspension insulator strings are prone to reduced creepage distance utilization and potential rain flashover accidents due to the sudden increase in rain intensity and rain columns bridging the skirt gaps. Since the rod diameter and skirt diameter of composite suspension insulators are smaller than those of large-diameter composite pin insulators, and there are significant differences in skirt structure and creepage distance, the rain flashover characteristics of suspension insulators cannot be equated with pin insulators. Hence, there is insufficient data on the rain flashover characteristics of composite suspension insulators.
This paper conducts artificial rain flashover tests under strong rainfall conditions using five different skirt structures of composite insulators. It investigates the effects of rain intensity and water conductivity on insulator AC flashover characteristics by analyzing the rain column length at the skirt edge, simulation models, arc development paths, and critical leakage currents. A formula for calculating the unit insulator height AC flashover voltage under the combined effects of rain intensity and water conductivity is proposed and verified for accuracy.
Results indicate that the unit insulator height rain flashover voltage is negatively correlated with rain intensity and water conductivity, following an exponential decay function. The voltage gradient reduction can reach 35.7% and 34.6% respectively due to these factors. The rainfall intensity of 9 mm/min can be considered the tipping point between non-extreme and extreme rainfall. Additionally, composite insulators with larger skirt diameters and skirt spacings are more significantly affected by rain intensity, while the impact of water conductivity is consistent across different skirt parameters. When the rainfall intensity is low, the shorter rain column causes the arc to develop along the path of "rain column-air gap-small skirt surface." When the rainfall intensity is high, the rain column is longer, and the vertical air gap within the rain column is directly broken down, leading to the arc development path of “rain column-vertical air gap-large skirt surface”.
In addition, the maximum length of the rain column at the skirt increases with rain intensity and varies with skirt diameter and spacing. The arc development path differs significantly among insulators with different skirt parameters. Insulators with larger skirt diameters and spacings exhibit a combined air gap and skirt surface discharge path, with reduced rain column bridging the skirt gap due to effective skirt coverage, resulting in higher creepage utilization. Therefore, insulators with larger skirt diameters and spacings can effectively enhance the insulation strength. Due to the influence of the number of charged particles in the water and the area covered by the water film, the average critical leakage current increases with rain intensity and water conductivity, which increases the energy gained by the electric arc and promotes the development of local arcs and the formation of discharge channels. During heavy rainstorms, to reduce surface leakage current on composite insulators and prevent rainwater from bridging the skirts to form a “rain pillar-vertical air gap” continuous arc path, it is recommended to use composite insulators with larger inter-skirt spacing and skirt diameters in regions prone to frequent heavy rainfall.
胡琴, 陈旭烨, 闻君, 荣文奇, 魏亚楠. 强暴雨天气下复合悬式绝缘子交流闪络特性[J]. 电工技术学报, 0, (): 2492939-2492939.
Hu Qin, Chen Xuye, Wen Jun, Rong Wenqi, Wei Yanan. AC Flashover Characteristics of Composite Suspension Insulators under Heavy Rainstorm. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 0, (): 2492939-2492939.
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