电工技术学报  2023, Vol. 38 Issue (19): 5316-5329    DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.230179
高电压与放电 |
仲林林, 王逸凡, 顾琦
东南大学电气工程学院 南京 210096
Study on Radiation Transport Characteristics of C4F7N Gaseous Arc
Zhong Linlin, Wang Yifan, Gu Qi
School of Electrical Engineering Southeast University Nanjing 210096 China
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摘要 辐射作为电弧能量输运的主要方式,在灭弧过程中起着关键作用。该文以环保型气体C4F7N及其与CO2和N2的混合气体为对象,建立了耦合净辐射模型的气体电弧二维磁流体动力学模型,分析了触头运动过程中C4F7N电弧的辐射输运特性,探究了电流大小和混合气体配比对电弧形态、温度及辐射能量的影响。进一步地,搭建电弧光学诊断实验平台,分别利用高速相机和光谱仪捕获电弧形态并采集电弧光谱信息,验证了仿真模型的有效性。研究发现,受电弧辐射能量沿轴线分布影响,C4F7N气体电弧形态呈葫芦状。随着电流增大,电弧辐射能量增强,葫芦状形态逐渐明显。随着C4F7N气体含量增加,电弧在径向洛伦兹力的作用下逐渐收缩。
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关键词 环保型气体电弧辐射输运磁流体动力学净辐射模型    
Abstract:In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in power industry, more and more efforts are being made to discovery eco-friendly SF6 replacements. At the moment, SF6 alternatives are commonly used as insulating medium, but study on their arc extinguishing performance is insufficient and is still in the exploratory stage. An excellent interrupting medium should quickly cool the arc, and radiation as the main form of arc energy transport plays a key role in the arc interrupting process. Therefore, this paper performs a study on the radiation transport characteristics of C4F7N gaseous arc mixing with CO2 and N2 by combining numerical simulation and experiment, which can lay a theoretical foundation for the engineering application of eco-friendly arc extinguishing gases.
Firstly, a two-dimensional (2D) magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) model is established to describe the transport behavior of C4F7N gaseous arcs by coupling multi-physical field equations, including Navier-Stokes equations, Maxwell equations, and turbulence equations. In this MHD model, the radiation transport is described by the net emission model which is easy to implement and requires net emission coefficients (NEC) as input. Based on the MHD model, the time-dependent multi-physical fields, such as temperature and radiation energy of C4F7N gaseous arcs are obtained by the finite volume method (FVM). The radiation transport characteristics of C4F7N gaseous arcs are investigated during the opening of contacts, and the effects of current magnitude and mixing ratios on the arc shape, temperature distribution, and radiation energy distribution are discussed. It is found that due to the distribution of arc radiation energy along the x axis, the C4F7N arcs are gourd-shaped. As the current is raised, the arc radiation energy increases, leading to a clearer gourd shape. With the increase of gas content in C4F7N, the arcs gradually shrink by the action of radial Lorentz force.
Secondly, the experiment platform is constructed for the arc optical diagnosis. The arc shapes and spectrum information are collected by a high-speed camera and a spectrometer respectively. The experimental results show that there is randomness in the arc development, but the arc shape is basically similar to the simulation results. The arc brightness is heightened with the increase of current, indicating that the radiation transport energy is gradually enhanced. In addition, considering that the arc temperature is the macro indication of the radiation transport characteristics, the temperatures of C4F7N arcs are measured based on the spectral information. The results show that although the measured arc temperatures are slightly lower than the simulation results, the evolution trend of measured temperatures is consistent with the simulated ones, which verifies the effectiveness of the simulation model.
In general, both simulation and experiment results show that the radiation capability of C4F7N gaseous arcs is stronger than SF6 arcs. This indicates that C4F7N gas mixtures can be used as an arc extinguishing medium to accelerate the energy dissipation in the arc extinguishing process. However, the experimental results also show that there is solid material condensation (e.g. graphite) during the interrupting process of C4F7N arcs, which not only limits the self-recovery of C4F7N gas, but also brings insulation hazards. Therefore, follow-up work should focus on the radiation transport characteristics of C4F7N arcs under the premise of suppressing or reducing the condensation of solids (e.g., by adding O2).
Key wordsEco-friendly gas    arc    radiation transport    magnetohydrodynamics (MHD)    net emission model   
收稿日期: 2023-02-16     
PACS: TM501.2  
基金资助:国家自然科学基金(92066106, 51907023)、江苏省科协青年科技人才托举工程(2021031)和东南大学“至善青年学者”支持计划(中央高校基本科研业务费)(2242022R40022)资助项目
通讯作者: 仲林林 男,1990年生,副研究员,博士生导师,研究方向为高电压技术、放电等离子体技术、人工智能技术。E-mail:linlin@seu.edu.cn   
作者简介: 王逸凡 男,1999年生,博士研究生,研究方向为高电压与放电等离子体数值计算。E-mail:ee_wyf@seu.edu.cn
仲林林, 王逸凡, 顾琦. C4F7N气体电弧的辐射输运特性研究[J]. 电工技术学报, 2023, 38(19): 5316-5329. Zhong Linlin, Wang Yifan, Gu Qi. Study on Radiation Transport Characteristics of C4F7N Gaseous Arc. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2023, 38(19): 5316-5329.
https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.230179          https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/Y2023/V38/I19/5316