Abstract:With the development of wide-bandgap semiconductors, the switching frequency of locomotive or EMU PWM rectifiers is increasing, and the gird-tied filter is reduced correspondingly. Therefore, the current control in PWM rectifier must not only respond fast to the fundamental current reference, but also quickly suppress the DC bias and harmonics generated by the grid voltage. Hence, proportional integral (PI) plus multiple vector proportional integral (VPI) controllers are used in this paper to control these signals. However, because the gains of PI and multiple VPI are coupled with each other and affect the system performance together, it is difficult to use traditional gain tuning methods. Therefore, a gain tuning method based on Nichols chart is proposed to achieve the gain decoupling, and the gain design is transformed into the tuning of minimum gain margin and phase crossover frequency. The settling time and overshoot are considered for the optimal gain tuning. The experimental results show that the designed system has good stability, transient performance and robustness.
游小杰, 杨才伟, 王剑, 王琛琛, 原志强. 一种适用于机车PWM整流器的比例积分-谐振电流控制器设计[J]. 电工技术学报, 2021, 36(23): 4926-4936.
You Xiaojie, Yang Caiwei, Wang Jian, Wang Chenchen, Yuan Zhiqiang. A Tuning Method for Proportional Integral-Resonant Current Controller in Locomotive PWM Rectifiers. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2021, 36(23): 4926-4936.
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