Research on Time-Phased Control Strategy of Urban Rail Ground Hybrid Energy Storage Device Based on Train Operation Status
Qin Qiangqiang1, Zhang Jiao2, Li Yujie3, Lin Fei1, Yang Zhongping1
1. Beijing Jiaotong University School of Electrical Engineering Beijing 100044 China; 2. Beijing Metro Operation Co. Ltd. Metro Operation Technology R& D Center Beijing 102208 China; 3. Beijing Subway Operation Co. Ltd Beijing 100044 China
Abstract:The ground hybrid energy storage device of urban rail transit takes into account the functions of absorbing the remaining regenerative braking energy of the train and driving the power failure train as a backup power source. Based on the actual operation status of the urban rail transit power supply system, the paper establishes a simulation model of traction power supply system and analyzes the changes of the traction network power flow at different departure intervals of trains. Then a time-phased control strategy of urban rail ground hybrid energy storage device based on train operation status is proposed. The control strategy uses a battery priority response mode when the departure interval is large because the remaining regenerative braking energy and power of the train is large, so that the super capacitor has sufficient capacity to respond to the high power load, avoiding unnecessary starting of the braking resistor; When it is small, the super-capacitor priority response mode is adopted due to the remaining regenerative braking energy and power of the train, which reduces the battery usage capacity to improve the service life of the battery. Using the actual line parameters of the Beijing Subway, the traction power supply simulation platform and the hybrid energy storage test platform were used to simulate and verify the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy. Simulation and experimental results show that this control strategy can effectively improve the ability of hybrid energy storage device to absorb the remaining regenerative braking energy and increase the lifetime of the battery.
秦强强, 张骄, 李宇杰, 林飞, 杨中平. 基于列车运行状态的城轨地面混合储能装置分时段控制策略[J]. 电工技术学报, 2019, 34(zk2): 760-769.
Qin Qiangqiang, Zhang Jiao, Li Yujie, Lin Fei, Yang Zhongping. Research on Time-Phased Control Strategy of Urban Rail Ground Hybrid Energy Storage Device Based on Train Operation Status. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2019, 34(zk2): 760-769.
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