A Fast Fault Location Method Based on Distribution Voltage Regularities along Transmission Line
Li Zhenxing1, Wang Xin1, Tian Bin2, Li Zhenhua1, Weng Hanli1
1. College of Electrical Engineering and New Energy China Three Gorges University Yichang 443002 China;
2. State Grid Hubei Enshi Power Supply Company Enshi 445000 China
In terms of power frequency component of two terminals fault location principle, there are some traditional problems,such as the synchronization difficulty on the measured data between two ends of line, the more iterative times, the slower convergence speed and the difficulty of identifying the false roots. Thus, the paper proposed a new fast fault location method based on voltage distribution regularities along transmission line. The paper analyzed the distribution of voltage amplitude along transmission line on the basis of distributed parameter line model. A transmission line is divided into several areas according to the monotonicity of voltage amplitude distribution curve under an internal fault. The tangent line can be gotten by two distributed points in each area, and the fault location can be preliminarily determined based on the tangent intersection principle. Considering the fault location error caused by the nonlinear factors of long line parameter, the tangent intersection principle is further used to adjust the location results iteratively until the fault distance successively approximate to the actual fault point. Simulation results show that the proposed fast fault location method only uses the line parameters and the measured data at the single terminal, so the method can accurately remove the false roots and achieve precision location results based on several iterations without the synchronization of the data. Also it shows that the principle of fault location is simple, the number of iterations is small, and the convergence speed is fast. The fault location can be locked within 300 meters only by the calculation of 4 times.
李振兴, 王新, 田斌, 李振华, 翁汉琍. 基于沿线电压分布规律的快速故障测距[J]. 电工技术学报, 2018, 33(1): 112-120.
Li Zhenxing, Wang Xin, Tian Bin, Li Zhenhua, Weng Hanli. A Fast Fault Location Method Based on Distribution Voltage Regularities along Transmission Line. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2018, 33(1): 112-120.
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