Discharge Process and Characteristics of the Poor Impregnated Defect of Capacitor Core in Oil-Immigrated Paper Bushing
Dai Quanmin1,2,Qi Bo1,2,Zhuo Ran3,Li Chengrong1,2,Fu Mingli3
1.State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China 2.Beijing Key Laboratory of High Voltage and Electromagnetic Compatibility North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China 3.EPRI of China Southern Power Grid Guangzhou 510080 China
Abstract:In order to study the degradation mechanism of the poor impregnated defect in oil-impregnated paper bushing (OIP), an OIP model is made by transparent sheath. A poor impregnated defect is designed by the non-vacuum oil injection after its linking oil. The parameter of changes of partial discharge, tan δ and capacitance are measured by the step by step raising voltage method, while the discharge phenomenon are observed. And also observing the position of bio-gas, gas-producing phenomenon, combined with trial anatomy, analysis of carbonization oil impregnated paper electrical tree channel. The result shows that PD detection is more sensitive for poor impregnated defect than tan δ and capacitance. The partial position is located at the edge of coil and electrical tree creepage would produce along the surface of oil-impregnated paper and produce continuous bubbles. The diffusion of Phase-resolved partial discharge is symmetrical about the 180° phase of applied votage. The φ-q spectrogram of partial discharge has a typical characteristic of the wing shape which may be used to diagnose the discharge type and severity of poor-impregnated defect in OIP.
戴佺民,齐波,卓然,李成榕,傅明利. 油浸纸套管电容芯子浸渍不良缺陷的放电过程及其特征[J]. 电工技术学报, 2017, 32(7): 181-189.
Dai Quanmin,Qi Bo,Zhuo Ran,Li Chengrong,Fu Mingli. Discharge Process and Characteristics of the Poor Impregnated Defect of Capacitor Core in Oil-Immigrated Paper Bushing. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2017, 32(7): 181-189.
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