电工技术学报  2016, Vol. 31 Issue (16): 65-71    DOI:
电力电子 |
李伟, 刘庆想, 张政权, 李相强
西南交通大学物理科学与技术学院 成都 610031
High Power High Voltage DC Power Supply Based on Series-Resonant High Frequency AC Link Technology
Li Wei, Liu Qingxiang, Zhang Zhengquan, Li Xiangqiang
Institute of Physical Science and Technology Southwest Jiaotong University Chengdu 610031 China
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摘要 当前大功率直流电源普遍采用直流链接技术和无源功率因数校正方案,电网侧电流谐波较大、功率因数较低且尺寸较大。基于高频交流链接(HF AC link)技术的变换器具有优异的电网侧性能,且不需要大容量的直流储能环节和滤波电抗器,尤其是在大功率电源中有利于减小尺寸,结合串联谐振电路,还可以减小损耗,以满足移动平台对高功率密度、高效率的要求。采用状态平面图法分析了在三相激励条件下的串联谐振电路断续模式下的电流特性,并得到了精确的控制参数表达式,对串联谐振电路采用脉冲密度调制(PDM)的方式调节和稳定直流电源的输出。在对单脉冲电流特性分析基础上给出了基于电网相位进行前馈的控制策略,并构建了前馈和反馈控制相结合的控制系统并对其进行仿真和实验。实验结果与仿真结果一致,表明在负载电阻560Ω上产生28.6kW,即4kV的条件下,电压纹波低于1%,输入侧功率因数为1,各相电流总谐波含量低于5.5%。
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关键词 交流链接大功率高压直流电源功率因数谐波畸变率    
Abstract:High power DC power supply usually adopts DC-link and passive power factor correction method, resulting in serious line current harmonics and low power factor at grid side. The converter based on high frequency AC-link technology has excellent properties at grid side. In addition, since large capacitors and line filters are no more needed, the size can be reduced for the high power supply, and combined with the traditional series resonant circuit, the switching losses can also be reduced. This article analyzes the characteristics of DCM resonant current excited by the three-phase grid, and provides an accurate theoretical solution for control with state-plane diagram method. The PDM method is used to adjust and stabilize the output voltage. This article provides a feed-forward control strategy based on the current characteristics analysis, and builds a control system combined with the feed-forward and feed-back controls. The simulation and experimental results show that, with the proposed accurate solution and control system, and at the condition of generating 4kV on a 560Ω resistor, the output voltage ripple (p-p) is lower than 1%, meanwhile, at the grid side, the power factor is almost 1 and the total harmonic distortion (THD) of each line current is lower than 5.5%.
Key wordsAC-link    high power    high voltage DC power    power factor    total harmonic distortion   
收稿日期: 2014-07-02      出版日期: 2016-09-01
PACS: TM89  
作者简介: 李 伟 男,1987年生,博士研究生,研究方向为高效高功率密度大功率变换器。E-mail: liwei_chengdu@163.com(通信作者);刘庆想 男,1964年生,研究员,博士生导师,研究方向为高功率微波技术。E-mail: liu_qingxiang@163.com
李伟, 刘庆想, 张政权, 李相强. 基于高频交流链接技术的大功率高压直流电源[J]. 电工技术学报, 2016, 31(16): 65-71. Li Wei, Liu Qingxiang, Zhang Zhengquan, Li Xiangqiang. High Power High Voltage DC Power Supply Based on Series-Resonant High Frequency AC Link Technology. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2016, 31(16): 65-71.