Development of Studies about Surface Charge Accumulation on Insulating Material under HVDC
Tang Ju1, Pan Cheng1, Wang Dibo2, Fu Mingli2, Zhuo Ran2
1. School of Electrical Engineering Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 China; 2. Electric Power Research Institute China Southern Power Grid Co. Ltd Guangzhou 510080 China
Abstract:With the development of dc transmission technique, DC gas insulated switchgear (GIS) is attracting more and more attentions. DC GIS has the advantages of compact size, high reliability and little maintenance. Compared with ac GIS, the surface charges accumulating on the cone-type insulator is more serious for dc GIS, which can lead to the decrease of its surface flashover performance and hence restricts the application of dc GIS in engineering. At present, the investigation about the characteristics of surface charge accumulation and the corresponding suppression means under HVDC is a hot topic. In this paper, the related studies were reviewed, including the techniques of surface charge measurement and inversion algorithm, the accumulation ways and corresponding sources of surface charges, the influencial factors and suppression methods of surface charge accumulation. At last, some proposals for the future investigation of surface charge accumulation were presented.
唐炬, 潘成, 王邸博, 傅明利, 卓然. 高压直流绝缘材料表面电荷积聚研究进展[J]. 电工技术学报, 2017, 32(8): 10-21.
Tang Ju, Pan Cheng, Wang Dibo, Fu Mingli, Zhuo Ran. Development of Studies about Surface Charge Accumulation on Insulating Material under HVDC. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2017, 32(8): 10-21.
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