ZCS-PWM Superbuck Converter with Reduced Electric Stress for Electric Vehicle DC Charging Spot in Large Parking Lot
Qin Ling1,2, Kong Xiaoxiao1, Mao Jingfeng1, Xie Shaojun2, Hu Mao1
1.School of Electrical Engineering Nantong University Nantong 226019 China 2.College of Automation Engineering Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics Nanjing 210016 China
Abstract:This paper presents a novel electric vehicle (EV) charging facility—DC charging spot—in large parking lot and a zero-current-switching (ZCS) pulse-width-modulated (PWM) Superbuck converter with reduced electric stress suitable for the output stage.In the paper,the operation principles have been thoroughly analyzed and the condition of the soft switching and the electric stress of the power electronics devices are obtained.Then,the steady-state and dynamic character can be estimated by the state-space averaging approach.Finally,a charger prototype rated l.8 kW/80 kHz is constructed for a 320 V/50 A·h Lithium-iron-phosphate battery pack.The simulation and experimental results show that the proposed DC charging spot has the advantages of low harmonic pollution,high efficiency,long lifetime,low cost and ease of bulk construction.
秦岭, 孔笑笑, 茅靖峰, 谢少军, 胡茂. 大型停车场电动汽车直流充电桩用低电应力ZCS-PWM Superbuck变换器[J]. 电工技术学报, 2015, 30(23): 32-41.
Qin Ling, Kong Xiaoxiao, Mao Jingfeng, Xie Shaojun, Hu Mao. ZCS-PWM Superbuck Converter with Reduced Electric Stress for Electric Vehicle DC Charging Spot in Large Parking Lot. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2015, 30(23): 32-41.
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