Abstract:Different from conventional loads, pulse loads have the characteristics of low average power, high peak power, and variable pulse frequency, which bring challenges to the stable operation of power supply systems. The three-port rectifier with dual DC output ports utilizes periodic charging and discharging of the decoupling capacitor to achieve power decoupling. However, the traditional PI control used in the rectifier struggles to respond promptly to changes in pulse frequency, and the dynamic adjustment ability of the system is limited. As a typical nonlinear control method, the capacitive charge balance control can enhance dynamic regulation performance and has been successfully implemented in various fields. However, the related calculation methods are not suitable for low-frequency pulse loads. This study improves the traditional concept of capacitor charge balance control based on the power characteristics of pulse loads, considering peak voltage control of decoupling capacitor voltage. It re-derives the calculation formula to achieve capacitor charge balance and obtains the switching moment of the dynamic process rectifier's switching tube. In the steady-state operation, the system adopts PI control to achieve control accuracy. When the pulse frequency changes, the system switches to the capacitor energy balance control method. According to the calculated switching moment, the active current of the AC source is controlled to meet the energy balance after one rise and one fall. After the dynamic process is completed, the system switches back to PI control. The study also analyzes the influence of different decoupling capacitor parameters on the dynamic control process of the proposed method. Since the switching moment involves the capacitor product and voltage ripple, the calculated results are generally small. Simulation results demonstrate that changing capacitor parameters has a limited impact on the control performance of the proposed solution. An experimental platform was built to conduct sudden increases in pulse load frequency. The proposed control method was compared with traditional PI and current feedforward PI controls. When a sudden increase in pulse frequency was detected, the capacitor energy balance control required only one pulse cycle of adjustment time to reach a steady state, which was significantly shorter than the other two methods and effectively suppressed voltage ripple. Although reducing the decoupling capacitor value increases the voltage drop at the moment of switching load, the system maintains good dynamic control performance. The following conclusions are drawn. (1) Traditional dual-loop PI control is limited in dynamic response capability when sudden increases in pulse load frequency due to the limitations of the regulator and low- frequency pulse load. Although using feedforward current can optimize control effects, it cannot achieve the best performance. (2) Traditional capacitor charge balance control, which does not consider the existence of pulse loads, cannot be directly applied to three-port rectifiers. (3) The application of capacitor energy balance control can effectively enhance the system's dynamic regulation performance, and capacitor parameters have neglectable effects on the proposed method, exhibiting good adjustment capability under different capacitor parameters.
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