Abstract:With the yearly growth of the stand-alone capacity of wind turbines, the negative impact of wind power fluctuations on the quality and frequency stability of the power grid is becoming increasingly severe. A novel control strategy for smoothing wind turbine output power is proposed using rotor kinetic energy. Specifically, the following work is included. (1) A novel smoothing reference power command is designed. (2) The influence of the key parameter in the rotor kinetic energy control framework and the integration period Δt on power tracking is analyzed. An optimization method for setting Δt is proposed. (3) The maximum power point tracking (MPPT) speed is set as the lower limit of the rotational speed, and the generator is allowed to output the reference power precisely through the speed closed-loop control structure. Firstly, the transfer function model of the wind turbine is established, and the steady-state operating point is determined according to the moving average filtering algorithm. The novel smooth reference power command is calculated, which decouples and adjusts the output power’s smoothness and average value by changing the values of parameters T and K. The larger the value of T, the more pronounced the power smoothing effect. The smaller the value of K, the lower the average output power. Then, through speed tracking simulation on the wind turbine, the speed tracking error caused by controller delay and other factors is recorded and analyzed to determine the optimal value of the integration period Δt. Finally, the precise response to power command is achieved through the speed closed-loop control structure, effectively avoiding the instability problem that may occur during the large-scale variable speed operation of the wind turbine. Compared with the traditional MPPT control strategy under 60s turbulent wind conditions in the simulation, the standard deviation of the output power using the proposed method is decreased by 9.97% when T=1, while the average value is only reduced by 1.2%. When T=3.5, the standard deviation is decreased by 27.29%, greatly improving waveform smoothness, and the average value is decreased by 5.2%. Since the MPPT speed is set as the lower speed limit, the wind turbine may cross the lower speed limit during operation and cause the power to fall. Therefore, reducing the value of K can reduce the average output power value, so the turbine operates in a high-speed interval. The turbine decelerating probability to the lower speed limit can be reduced. In the case of T=2.5 and K=0.85, the unit speed is always higher than the lower limit value, and the standard deviation of the output power is reduced by 32.19% compared with the MPPT strategy. The smoothness of output power is significantly improved, and the average value is only reduced to 90.76%. The simulation and experimental results show that after optimizing the integral period parameter, the speed closed-loop control structure can achieve the same effect as the power closed-loop control structure and accurately respond to the reference power command, which helps set the speed limit to prevent unit instability. The proposed power smoothing control strategy can effectively suppress wind power fluctuations while ensuring sufficient wind energy utilization efficiency. By setting the MPPT speed as the lower speed limit, the stable operation of the wind turbine can be ensured under turbulent wind conditions.
朱瑛, 李斌, 孔旻昊, 卫志农. 计及功率指令和积分周期优化的风电机组转子动能功率平滑控制[J]. 电工技术学报, 2025, 40(4): 1063-1077.
Zhu Ying, Li Bin, Kong Minhao, Wei Zhinong. Rotor Kinetic Energy Based Power Smoothing Control for Wind Turbines Considering Reference Power and Integration Period Optimization. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2025, 40(4): 1063-1077.
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