Effect of Temperature on Moisture Adsorption and Desorption in Cellulose Insulation
Yang Chaojie1,2, Liu Yunpeng1,2, Zhao Tao1,2, Yang Jiajun1,2, Liu Yijin1,2
1. Hebei Provincial Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment Security Defense North China Electric Power University Baoding 071003 China;
2. State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China
The rise and fall of the internal temperature of the power transformer will cause the moisture to change its distribution and aggregation location, and the local high moisture content will seriously affect the electrical strength of the oil-paper insulation. Most of the previous studies are limited to extracting characteristic quantities from experimental results for quantitative analysis, and lack the exploration and explanation of macroscopic experimental phenomena from the microscopic level to reflect the mechanism of the changes in the adsorption and desorption characteristics of moisture in cellulose insulating materials.
In this paper, the molecular dynamics method was used to establish three oil-cellulose mixed systems (OCS) with different water contents at the 105-atom scale: in system I, the water content of the oil domain is 0.3%, while the cellulose domain does not contain water; in systems Ⅱ and Ⅲ, the water content of the cellulose domain is 3.5% and 5.7%, respectively, while the oil domain does not contain water. The whole system was divided into three regions from the z direction: cellulose domain, interfacial domain and oil domain. Temperature rise and temperature drop simulations were carried out respectively, and the variation rules of the number of water molecules (NW) in the interfacial domain and the oil domain were obtained. By analyzing the NW, solvent-accessible surface area (SASA) and microscopic scanning electron microscopy (SEM) maps of the interfacial and oil domains in cellulose insulation, the effects of different temperatures on the cellulose insulation were investigated. The effect of different temperatures on the adsorption and desorption of water in cellulose insulation was investigated.
The results show that after the reverse cooling of the high-temperature system, the water molecules in the oil domain migrate rapidly to the cellulose domain, while the irreversible deterioration of cellulose after high temperature leads to the weakening of its adsorption capacity. As a result, a large amount of water is retained in the interfacial domain. For the temperature rise simulation, the higher the temperature, the more water accumulated in the oil and interfacial domains, and the stronger the desorption of water by cellulose. It is worth noting that the NW of the interfacial domain is not a purely increasing trend, but an oscillating increasing and decreasing trend that decreases first and then increases. The higher the temperature, the more obvious the trend is. The work has important theoretical value for the real-time monitoring of moisture in oil-immersed power equipment and the evaluation of its insulation performance.
杨超杰, 刘云鹏, 赵涛, 杨家骏, 刘一瑾. 温度对纤维素绝缘中水分吸附和解吸的影响[J]. 电工技术学报, 2025, 40(1): 300-311.
Yang Chaojie, Liu Yunpeng, Zhao Tao, Yang Jiajun, Liu Yijin. Effect of Temperature on Moisture Adsorption and Desorption in Cellulose Insulation. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2025, 40(1): 300-311.
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