High Temperature Energy Storage Performance Enhanced by Metal-Organic Frame Coated Ferroelectric Two-Dimensional Nanosheets Filled with Polyetherimide Composite Dielectric
Chen Dongyang1, Liu Xiaoxu1, Sun Jiaming1, Chen Haonan1, You Xiaoguang2
1. School of Materials Science and Engineering Shaanxi University of Science and Technology Xi’an 710021 China;
2. Heilongjiang Confidential Technical Service Center Harbin 150081 China
Polymer film capacitors find wide use in vehicle inverters and wind power due to their fast charge and discharge rates. However, evolving needs, like high-temperature oil and gas exploration, demand advancements. Current Biaxially-oriented Polypropylene (BOPP) capacitors face limitations due to low polarity and temperature constraints. Developing polymer composite film capacitors with high energy density under heat is urgently needed. Directly filling nanosheets into polymers shows promise for its simplicity, enhanced polarization, and scalability, thus extensively researched.
Due to the size effect, there exists a significant number of inorganic-organic interfaces between existing inorganic fillers and polymers, this widespread interface in polymer-based composite dielectrics is considered to be a decisive factor affecting energy storage characteristics. However, the substantial disparity in surface compatibility and physical-chemical properties between inorganic fillers and organic polymer impedes the achievement of high application electric fields and discharge energy densities in directly filled polymer composite dielectrics. In this study, to prevent direct contact between inorganic filler calcium niobate nanosheets (CNO) and the molecular chains of organic polymer polyetherimide (PEI), a porous crystalline metal-organic framework (MOF) was employed to encapsulate the CNO. The resulting CNO@MOF complex was then incorporated into PEI to establish an inorganic-organic interface, with MOF serving as the transitional medium. The three-dimensional interpenetration and chemical bonding between MOF and PEI effectively enhance filler-polymer compatibility. For example, under transmission electron microscopy (TEM), no nanoscale defects or pores were observed between CNO and PEI. To further confirm the chemical interaction between MOF and PEI, synchrotron radiation X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy revealed the Zn—C coordination environment between MOF and PEI, validating the chemical interaction between the two materials. Based on the characterization results, the physicochemical properties of MOF as a transitional interface between inorganic and organic phases were comprehensively ascertained.
Moreover, the incorporation of inorganic fillers significantly boosts the dielectric constant of the composite films while suppressing the loss tangent under periodic electric fields. The optimized composite film featuring this interface achieves a breakdown field (Eb) of 484 MV/m at 150℃, representing a 21% increase over pure PEI. Leakage current density tests and hysteresis loop tests confirm that polymer composite dielectrics exhibit lower current density and energy loss under applied electric fields. Ultimately, the best-performing composite film achieves a discharge energy density of 3.5 J/cm3, with a charge-discharge efficiency of 90%. By combining the characterization of interface structure with experimental results, this paper proposes a transition interface design methodology that effectively enhances the capacitive capabilities of polymer matrix composite dielectric films under high-temperature, high-electric field conditions, offering a reliable strategy and direction for the development of high-performance polymer capacitors.
陈东洋, 刘晓旭, 孙家明, 陈皓男, 尤晓光. 金属有机框架包覆铁电二维纳米片增强聚醚酰亚胺复合介质高温储能性能研究[J]. 电工技术学报, 0, (): 2492928-2492928.
Chen Dongyang, Liu Xiaoxu, Sun Jiaming, Chen Haonan, You Xiaoguang. High Temperature Energy Storage Performance Enhanced by Metal-Organic Frame Coated Ferroelectric Two-Dimensional Nanosheets Filled with Polyetherimide Composite Dielectric. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 0, (): 2492928-2492928.
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