LCC-LC Series Hybrid Wireless Charging with Misalignment Tolerance and Constant Current Output
Gong Zhaowei1,2, Li Jingang1, Tong Xiangqian1, Zhang Ningchao2
1. School of Electrical Engineering Xi’an University of Technology Xi’an 710054 China; 2. School of Electronic Information Engineering Xi’an Technological University Xi’an 710021 China
Abstract:Aiming at the problem of unstable charging current and low efficiency caused by offset of EV wireless charging coils, LCC-LC series with anti-offset constant current wireless charging structure based on parameter optimization is proposed. The mathematical model of LCC and LC compensation network is established to analyze the current output characteristics. It is found that the LCC output current is positively correlated with mutual inductance, while LC output current is negatively correlated with mutual inductance. The double-D Quadrature coil structure is adopted to solve the ipsilateral decoupling control of primary and secondary coils, thereby realizing load-independent constant current output of LCC and LC. Appropriate resonant network parameters are selected through parameter optimization, the voltage input of compensating network is complemented through series hybrid structure, and the system has anti-offset constant current output capability. Finally, a 310W experimental prototype was designed to investigate the misalignment tolerance of the system output current. The experimental results show that within the lateral offset range of 50%, the output current of the system can maintain good stability, fluctuates within 5% of the set value, and the maximum efficiency can reach 91%.
巩兆伟, 李金刚, 同向前, 张宁超. LCC-LC串联混合型抗偏移恒流无线充电[J]. 电工技术学报, 2022, 37(6): 1513-1521.
Gong Zhaowei, Li Jingang, Tong Xiangqian, Zhang Ningchao. LCC-LC Series Hybrid Wireless Charging with Misalignment Tolerance and Constant Current Output. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2022, 37(6): 1513-1521.
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