Abstract:Fusion analysis of heterogeneous multi-parameter data generated by multi-source power sensing terminals is the key to effective power target sensing under the power Internet of Things. At present, however, multi-parameter fusion in power system is still dominated by homogeneous multi-parameter fusion and decision-level heterogeneous multi-parameter fusion, which can no longer meet the needs of deep fusion for heterogeneous multi-parameter under the power Internet of Things. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a universal fusion framework suitable for structured multiple time series and unstructured images, which can be used for descriptive, predictive or decision-making analysis of power things. Firstly, with the consideration of time and space characteristics, the time series are converted into a recurrence plot suitable for nonlinear chaotic systems, so that the time series and images have the same description space. Then convolutional neural networks are used to extract the features, following with weighted feature concatenate fusion, fully connection and target perception. Finally, taking transmission line icing level perception and insulator contamination degree perception as scenarios, the model is analyzed from the perspective of accuracy and fault tolerance, which verifies the universality of the proposed model.
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