Applications of Piezoelectric Materials and Devices in Electric Engineering
Yao Ruifeng1, Wang Yan2, Gao Jinghui1, Chen Chuan2, Guo Jinghong2
1. State Key Laboratory of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment Xi'an Jiaotong University Xi'an 710049 China; 2. Department of Electric Power Sensing Technology Global Energy Interconnection Research Institute Co. Ltd Beijing 102209 China
Abstract:With the long-term development of energy revolution and energy internet, the demand for automatic, intelligent and information-based power grid has been more and more urgent. It is required to provide information for multi-scene application of power grid based on the advanced sensing technology, so as to keep smart grid safe and reliable under complex working conditions. Piezoelectric materials, as the key materials to measure the discharge and vibration signals, have been widely used in the aspects of measuring vibration, discharge, defects, temperature, voltage and other properties of power equipment. In this paper, the development of typical piezoelectric sensing materials, as well as the applications of piezoelectric vibration sensors, sonic sensors and voltage sensors have been reviewed. Furthermore, the situation that there still existed problems like low accuracy, poor stability and weak environmental adaptability for current piezoelectric sensors is pointed out, which requires new-generation smart piezoelectric sensors by means of rapid development of piezoelectric materials with high properties, structure design of sensors and intelligent compensation.
姚睿丰, 王妍, 高景晖, 陈川, 郭经红. 压电材料与器件在电气工程领域的应用[J]. 电工技术学报, 2021, 36(7): 1324-1337.
Yao Ruifeng, Wang Yan, Gao Jinghui, Chen Chuan, Guo Jinghong. Applications of Piezoelectric Materials and Devices in Electric Engineering. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2021, 36(7): 1324-1337.
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