Multi-Dimensional Modulation for Cascaded H-Bridge Rectifier Based on Two-Dimensional Modulation
Zhang Guopeng1, Jia Zan1, Tao Haijun1, Zheng Zheng1, Wang Cong2
1. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation Henan Polytechnic University Jiaozuo 454000 China; 2. School of Mechanical Electrical &Information Engineering China University of Mining & Technology Beijing 100083 China;
Abstract:As a rectification stage for emerging medium and high voltage power electronic converters,Cascaded H bridge rectifier (CHBR) is the key to the realization of active distribution network interface converters and chain energy storage converters. Two-dimensional modulation (TDM) has apparent advantages in optimizing the DC-bridge voltage balance speed of the two bridges and improving the unbalanced load capacity of the DC bus. However, as the number of cascades increases, the number of degrees of multidimensional modulation increases dramatically, and optimization becomes exceptionally complicated. Based on the two-dimensional voltage balance modulation, a multi-dimensional extended modulation strategy is proposed, and the modulation logic of the extended strategy is simplified so that the two-dimensional voltage balance modulation can be applied to the multi-bridge cascade. After that, the inheritance of multi-dimensional extended modulation strategy to TDM degree of freedom optimization is studied, the DC voltage balance performance of the multi-dimensional extended modulation strategy and the TDM strategy and the main factors affecting the multi-dimensional extended modulation balance performance are analyzed and compared in the CHBR unity power factor operation from in theory. Finally, the experiment results from the prototype test are given, which verified the validity and superiority of the theory.
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