High Precision Dielectric Loss Angle Measurement Based on Improved All-Phase Algorithm
Zhang Jiajun1, Zhang Xinyan1, Chen Qian1, Di Qiang1, Yang Lulu2
1. School of Electrical Engineering Xinjiang University Urumqi 830047 China; 2. State Grid Xinjiang Power Company Urumqi Power Supply Company Urumqi 830011 China
Abstract:The fast Fourier algorithm has the problems of fence effect and spectrum leakage in practical application. The accuracy of dielectric loss angle measurement by fast Fourier algorithm is not high. A high precision dielectric loss angle measurement method based on hybrid convolution window and improved all-phase was proposed. The mixed convolution window with better main and side lobes was used to truncate the signal to reduce the spectrum leakage. The "phase invariance" of all-phase Fourier transform was used to eliminate the fence effect. A differential phase correction method was proposed for all-phase Fourier transform. It is compared under the influence of fundamental frequency variation, signal-to-noise ratio change, harmonic content change and sampling points and the results show that the detection accuracy of the proposed method is higher than that of the windowed interpolation Fourier transform algorithm, especially in asynchronous sampling.
张家军, 张新燕, 陈倩, 邸强, 杨璐璐. 基于改进全相位算法的高精度介质损耗角的测量[J]. 电工技术学报, 2020, 35(14): 3097-3104.
Zhang Jiajun, Zhang Xinyan, Chen Qian, Di Qiang, Yang Lulu. High Precision Dielectric Loss Angle Measurement Based on Improved All-Phase Algorithm. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2020, 35(14): 3097-3104.
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