电工技术学报  2020, Vol. 35 Issue (13): 2843-2854    DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.191056
多种可再生能源互补发电系统的规划与运行专题(特约主编:陈哲教授 胡维昊教授) |
周长城, 马溪原, 郭祚刚, 胡洋
南方电网科学研究院有限责任公司 广州 510663
User-Level Integrated Energy System Planning for Engineering Applications
Zhou Changcheng, Ma Xiyuan, Guo Zuogang, Hu Yang
Electric Power Research Insititute of China Southern Power Grid Guangzhou 510663 China
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摘要 用户级综合能源系统是提高用户用能效率和用能经济性的重要手段。该文从实际工程应用的角度出发,提出一种基于最大利用小时数的用户级综合能源系统规划流程和方法。首先,建立用户级综合能源系统的整体模型和关键设备模型,描述各类能源在长期运行中的转换与流动关系。其次,提出包含前期资料收集、负荷预测、天然气冷热电联供系统容量预配置、设备选型与容量配置四个主要步骤的规划流程,并建立了用户级综合能源系统优化规划模型,模型以全规划周期建设和运行成本最低为目标,考虑了功率约束、能量约束、设备运行约束和用户场地约束等条件,并通过Matlab调用YALMIP工具包和CPLEX求解器进行求解。最后,分别以医院、工业园区的用户级综合能源系统为典型算例,验证了所述方法在不同用能类型和用能特性场景下的有效性,并对设备年最大利用小时数、用户电负荷占比、天然气价格等关键因素进行了灵敏度分析。
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关键词 用户级综合能源系统规划工程应用天然气冷热电联供系统天然气价格灵敏度分析    
Abstract:The user-level integrated energy system(UIES) can improve the energy efficiency and economy. A planning process and method of UIES was proposed for practical engineering. Firstly, the overall model and key equipment model of UIES were established to describe the conversion and flow relations of various energies in long-term operation. Secondly, the planning process was put forward containing four steps: preliminary data collection capacity, load forecasting, CCHP capacity pre-configuration, equipment selection and configuration. At the meantime, an optimization planning model was established as well. The model took the construction and operation cost of the full planning cycle as the target, and constraints of maximum load, annual total energy, equipment operation, user construction land and other conditions have been taken into account. The problem was solved using YALMIP toolkit and CPLEX solver through Matlab. Finally, two typical examples verified the validity of the described method in different energy consumption types and energy consumption scenarios. Sensitivity analysis was conducted on key factors such as the annual maximum utilization hours of equipment, the proportion of consumer electrical load, and the price of natural gas.
Key wordsUser-level integrated energy system(UIES) planning    engineering application    combined cooling heating and power system(CCHP)    natural gas price    sensitivity analysis   
收稿日期: 2019-08-26     
PACS: TM74:TK01+9  
通讯作者: 马溪原 男,1986年生,高级工程师,博士,研究方向为新能源与综合能源技术。E-mail:maxy@csg.cn   
作者简介: 周长城 男,1993年生,硕士,研究方向为综合能源技术和配电网运行控制技术。E-mail:zhoucc@csg.cn
周长城, 马溪原, 郭祚刚, 胡洋. 面向工程应用的用户级综合能源系统规划[J]. 电工技术学报, 2020, 35(13): 2843-2854. Zhou Changcheng, Ma Xiyuan, Guo Zuogang, Hu Yang. User-Level Integrated Energy System Planning for Engineering Applications. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2020, 35(13): 2843-2854.
https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.191056          https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/Y2020/V35/I13/2843