Stackelberg Game Based on Supervised Charging Method and Pricing Strategy of Charging Service Providers
Shi Yiwei1, Feng Donghan1, Ella Zhou2, Fang Chen3
1. Key Laboratory of Control of Power Transmission and Conversion Ministry of Education Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai 200240 China; 2. National Renewable Energy Laboratory Golden 80401 America; 3. Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Shanghai Municipal Electric Power CompanyShanghai 200437 China
Abstract:The charging of large-scale electric vehicles (EVs) brings about a large new load to the electricity network, while it is also a demand response resource. Smart charging equipment and patterns of charging service will be one of the research focuses at the next stage. Smart charging equipment schedules EV’s charging on the basis of electricity price, and this method enables users to hold the right of controlling their own EV’s charging procedure. Thus, there exists a Stackelberg game between charging service providers, who set the price, and independent EVs. The marginal charging price, which reflects properties of individual EV, and the pricing strategy of charging service providers can be derived through solving this game problem. A price based charging strategy is proposed, which is suitable for the dynamic electricity price mechanism because of its light communication burden. In a simulation of a charging service provider covering 200 smart devices, this real-time supervised charging strategy shows its advantages of curbing users’ payment and guiding the charging load effectively.
史一炜, 冯冬涵, EllaZhou, 方陈. 基于主从博弈的充电服务商充电引导方法及其定价策略[J]. 电工技术学报, 2019, 34(zk2): 742-751.
Shi Yiwei, Feng Donghan, Ella Zhou, Fang Chen. Stackelberg Game Based on Supervised Charging Method and Pricing Strategy of Charging Service Providers. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2019, 34(zk2): 742-751.
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