电工技术学报  2018, Vol. 33 Issue (22): 5319-5326    DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.171376
电力系统 |
齐先军1, 程桥1, 吴红斌1, 杨世海2, 李志新2
1. 合肥工业大学电气与自动化工程学院 合肥 230009;
2. 国网江苏省电力有限公司 南京 210024
Impact of Incentive-Based Demand Response on Opreational Reliability of Distribution Network
Qi Xianjun1, Cheng Qiao1, Wu Hongbin1, Yang Shihai2, Li Zhixin2
1. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation Hefei University of Technology Hefei 230009 China;
2. State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co. Ltd Nanjing 210024 China
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摘要 需求响应技术的大量应用会对配电网的运行可靠性产生影响。针对需求侧资源参与电力市场投标的问题,提出负荷聚合商基于负荷削减与负荷转移两种需求响应合同的投标决策优化模型,从而使聚合商能够有效调度用户的可控负荷。合同参数的设定考虑各季节不同的负荷特点,使得聚合商能在不同季节制定最合理的投标方案。采用序贯蒙特卡洛模拟法对响应前后典型日每个时段负荷水平下的配电网进行运行可靠性评估,得到每个时段负荷水平下的可靠性指标。算例结果表明,响应后的负荷曲线优于响应前,并且在负荷高峰时段能够明显减少停电电量期望值;在负荷峰谷差较明显的季节,激励型需求响应能明显改善配电网运行可靠性指标。
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关键词 负荷聚合商激励型需求响应投标决策配电网运行可靠性    
Abstract:The application of demand response technology has an impact on the operational reliability of distribution network. In response to the demand-side resources participating in electricity market bidding, a decision-making optimization model was proposed based on two demand response contracts of load curtailment and load shifting, so that aggregators could effectively schedule the controllable load of consumers. The setting of the contract parameters took into account different load characteristics of each season, allowing the aggregators to make the most reasonable bidding strategy in different seasons. Sequential Monte Carlo simulation was applied to evaluate the operational reliability of the distribution network at each period of a typical daily load before and after the demand response. The results of a numerical example show that the load curve after demand response is better than that before response, and the energy not supplied during the peak load period can be reduced by the demand response. In the season with high peak to valley value, the incentive-based demand response can obviously improve the operational reliability index of the distribution network.
Key wordsLoad aggregator    incentive-based demand response    bidding strategy    distribution network    operational reliability   
收稿日期: 2017-09-29      出版日期: 2018-11-27
PACS: TM711  
通讯作者: 齐先军 男,1977年生,博士,副教授,研究方向为电力系统规划与可靠性/配电网建模与分析。E-mail: qxj_216@163.com   
作者简介: 程 桥 男,1992年生,硕士,研究方向为需求响应与智能用电技术。E-mail: 327901134@qq.com
齐先军, 程桥, 吴红斌, 杨世海, 李志新. 激励型需求响应对配电网运行可靠性的影响[J]. 电工技术学报, 2018, 33(22): 5319-5326. Qi Xianjun, Cheng Qiao, Wu Hongbin, Yang Shihai, Li Zhixin. Impact of Incentive-Based Demand Response on Opreational Reliability of Distribution Network. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2018, 33(22): 5319-5326.
https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.171376          https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/Y2018/V33/I22/5319