Impact of Incentive-Based Demand Response on Opreational Reliability of Distribution Network
Qi Xianjun1, Cheng Qiao1, Wu Hongbin1, Yang Shihai2, Li Zhixin2
1. School of Electrical Engineering and Automation Hefei University of Technology Hefei 230009 China; 2. State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Co. Ltd Nanjing 210024 China
Abstract:The application of demand response technology has an impact on the operational reliability of distribution network. In response to the demand-side resources participating in electricity market bidding, a decision-making optimization model was proposed based on two demand response contracts of load curtailment and load shifting, so that aggregators could effectively schedule the controllable load of consumers. The setting of the contract parameters took into account different load characteristics of each season, allowing the aggregators to make the most reasonable bidding strategy in different seasons. Sequential Monte Carlo simulation was applied to evaluate the operational reliability of the distribution network at each period of a typical daily load before and after the demand response. The results of a numerical example show that the load curve after demand response is better than that before response, and the energy not supplied during the peak load period can be reduced by the demand response. In the season with high peak to valley value, the incentive-based demand response can obviously improve the operational reliability index of the distribution network.
齐先军, 程桥, 吴红斌, 杨世海, 李志新. 激励型需求响应对配电网运行可靠性的影响[J]. 电工技术学报, 2018, 33(22): 5319-5326.
Qi Xianjun, Cheng Qiao, Wu Hongbin, Yang Shihai, Li Zhixin. Impact of Incentive-Based Demand Response on Opreational Reliability of Distribution Network. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2018, 33(22): 5319-5326.
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