电工技术学报  2018, Vol. 33 Issue (21): 4901-4908    DOI: 10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.171586
电工理论 |
公延飞1, 郝建红1, 蒋璐行1, 刘强2, 周海京2
1. 华北电力大学电气与电子工程学院 北京 102206;
2. 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所 北京 100094
The Research for the Transient Response of Overhead Transmission Line on Lossy Ground Excited by HEMP
Gong Yanfei1, Hao Jianhong1, Jiang Luhang1, Liu Qiang2, Zhou Haijing2
1. School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering North China Electric Power University Beijing 102206 China;
2. Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics Beijing 100094 China
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摘要 针对电磁脉冲对传输线产生干扰的实际情况,基于传输线的频域二阶电流基本方程,建立了高空核爆电磁脉冲(HEMP)激励下有损大地上传输线电磁瞬态响应模型,利用伽辽金法和矢量匹配推导出关于传输线的时域有限元(FETD)迭代算法。该算法以电流为单变量进行迭代从而计算出沿线电流分布,通过在空间和时间上离散时域第二电报方程计算得到沿线的电压分布,从而大幅度提高了计算效率。通过对比FETD法计算结果与时域有限差分(FDTD)法计算结果,证实了FETD法的有效性和准确性。该研究为工程和科研人员评估、分析HEMP激励下传输线的瞬态响应问题提供了一种可靠的指导方法。
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关键词 高空核爆电磁脉冲瞬态响应传输线时域有限元电报方程    
Abstract:An accurate model for the transient response of overhead transmission line on lossy ground against high-attitude nuclear electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) plane wave was established based on the second-order telegrapher’s equation of electric current. The time-domain finite-element formulas with respect to the electric current only are derived by using the Galerkin method and vector fitting method. The transmission line is divided into many segments, and in each segment the currents in the points are expressed by a linear combination of basis functions, so the residual formula is established in single segment. According the Kirchhoff’s voltage law in circuit analysis, the segments about entire line are synthesized in the finite element time-domain (FETD) matrix equation, which the currents along the line can be computed. In order to solve the voltages along the line, the second time-domain telegrapher’s equation is dealt with spatial and time discretization, so the voltages can be computed by means of the currents gained and previous voltages. Comparison with the results from the method of finite difference time-domain (FDTD) has verified the high efficiency and accuracy of the FETD method, which can provide reference for the transient response of transmission line excited by HEMP.
Key wordsHigh-attitude nuclear electromagnetic pulse    transient response    transmission line    finite-element time-domain    telegrapher’s equation;   
收稿日期: 2017-11-22      出版日期: 2018-11-12
PACS: TM13  
作者简介: 公延飞 男,1987年生,博士研究生,研究方向为电工理论与新技术、电力系统电磁兼容。E-mail:yuxin880323@126.com ;郝建红 女,1960年生,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为高功率微波、电磁场理论及混沌控制等。E-mail:jianhonghao@ncepu.edu.cn(通信作者)
公延飞, 郝建红, 蒋璐行, 刘强, 周海京. 有损大地上传输线HEMP响应的研究[J]. 电工技术学报, 2018, 33(21): 4901-4908. Gong Yanfei, Hao Jianhong, Jiang Luhang, Liu Qiang, Zhou Haijing. The Research for the Transient Response of Overhead Transmission Line on Lossy Ground Excited by HEMP. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2018, 33(21): 4901-4908.
https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/10.19595/j.cnki.1000-6753.tces.171586          https://dgjsxb.ces-transaction.com/CN/Y2018/V33/I21/4901