Abstract:LLCC resonant converter has been widely used in high frequency sinusoidal inverter, but its parameters design in practical engineering applications has not been fully studied. The paper designs a high frequency sinusoidal inverter based on the phase-shift full bridge LLCC series-parallel resonant circuit topology, aiming at the smallest loss of the inverter with the constraint condition of a certain rate of THD (total harmonic distortion). The loss model of the components is built and the optimization operation is achieved in Matlab. A systematic optimization procedure is proposed in the paper. The analysis and the optimized results are verified by experiments. The proposed optimization procedure is an effective way to design high frequency sinusoidal inverter.
卢其威, 邓欢, 陈婷, 胡耀盟, 高志宣. LLCC谐振滤波器在高频正弦波逆变器中的优化设计[J]. 电工技术学报, 2017, 32(20): 142-152.
Lu Qiwei, Deng Huan, Chen Ting, Hu Yaomeng, Gao Zhixuan. Parameters Optimization and Design of LLCC Resonant Converter in High Frequency Sinusoidal Inverter. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2017, 32(20): 142-152.
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