Abstract:With the increasing penetration of renewable energy sources, especially the wind power generation, and broad application of the high-power power electronic technology, electric power system with renewable energy sources is evolved, which is constituted by complicated AC-DC system with multi energy resources and multi conversions. As a result, new subsynchronous oscillation (SSO) problems are prominent constantly. The concept and connotation of SSO is extended gradually. And various intricate issues, such as their causes, forms, impact, monitoring and countermeasures attract wide attention throughout the world again. This paper firstly summarizes the basic issues and development trend of SSO, and analyzes the characteristics and forms of SSO problems in China. Finally, new issues of current SSO research, challenges ahead, especially in mitigation measures, and the corresponding strategies are put forward, aiming at promoting the SSO study in China.
肖湘宁, 罗超, 廖坤玉. 新能源电力系统次同步振荡问题研究综述[J]. 电工技术学报, 2017, 32(6): 85-97.
Xiao Xiangning, Luo Chao, Liao Kunyu. Review of the Research on Subsynchronous Oscillation Issues in Electric Power System with Renewable Energy Sources. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2017, 32(6): 85-97.
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