Abstract:The new characteristics of the integrated power system (IPS) exist by using DC zonal electrical distribution and the concept of the total supply capability (TSC) in distribution network. This paper presented a safety domain model and a TSC model for the DC zonal electrical distribution system based on the chopper load rate. The concept of {1}-generalized inverse matrix was also introduced to analyze the solution space form of the safety domain model. Furthermore, the visual safe boundary simulation algorithm was adopted to solve the TSC model, and the result was used as the initial iteration value. Then, the choppers in the DC zonal electrical distribution system were paired up. Each group would be selected for the approximating simulation, and a two-dimensional safe boundary section profile was obtained. Finally, Lingo was applied to calculating the TSC critical safety working point. The safe boundary section profiles of the two typical groups were offered, and the load relationship between the choppers in the same region and different regions was analyzed. This paper provides the basis to study the safe and preventive control of the IPS.
肖晗, 叶志浩, 马凡, 纪锋. 舰船直流区域配电系统安全运行边界计算与分析[J]. 电工技术学报, 2016, 31(20): 202-208.
Xiao Han, Ye Zhihao, Ma Fan, Ji Feng. Calculation and Analysis of the Safe Operation Boundary of Shipboard DC Zonal Electric Distribution System. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2016, 31(20): 202-208.
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