Abstract:When steady waves of electric power system are sampled asynchronously, using discrete Fourier transform to analyze harmonics will generate spectrum leakage and fence effect, which causes measurement errors of harmonic parameters. To further suppress spectral leakage and improve the measurement accuracy of harmonics, a new kind of hybrid convolution windows produced by convolving rectangular windows and cosine windows was proposed. The main lobe width and side lobe attenuation of defined L-order hybrid convolution window were analyzed. Compared with the performance of classical windows, the new windows have faster side lobe attenuation, which can greatly reduce the effects of spectral leakage. The proposed new windows were applied to harmonic analysis, and then the harmonic interpolation algorithm based on L-order hybrid convolution windows was derived. The results show that the new windows have the excellent property of restraining spectral leakage, and the mutual interference between various harmonic components can be reduced effectively. The advantages of this method are also obvious even under noisy conditions. The new algorithm can be used for high-precision measurement of power system harmonics.
孙仲民, 何正友, 臧天磊. 一种混合卷积窗及其在谐波分析中的应用[J]. 电工技术学报, 2016, 31(16): 207-214.
Sun Zhongmin, He Zhengyou, Zang Tianlei. A Kind of Hybrid Convolution Window and Its Application in Harmonic Analysis. Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society, 2016, 31(16): 207-214.
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